Wisdom from Vyadh-Gita

Below are translations of some of the shlokas from Vyadha Geeta. If you want to know what this Geeta is, you can take a look here: https://saisaburi.org/vyadha-gita/ Regarding myself, I always seek to please with acts of kindness, those that praise me, as also those that speak ill of me. Giving food to the best…

Vyadha Gita

The Vyadha Gita (meaning, teachings of a butcher) is a part of the epic Mahabharata and consists of the teachings imparted by a vyadha (Butcher) to a brahmin sannyasin (monk). It occurs in the Vana Parva section of Mahabharata and is told to Yudhishthira, a Pandava by sage Markandeya. In the story, an arrogant sannyasin…