Born in a Hindu Brahmin family at Satana near Nasik on 15th May 1870, Kashinath became Sadguru Upasni Maharaj with the divine grace of Shri Sadguru Narayan Maharaj of Kedgaon and Shri Sadguru Sai Baba of Shirdi. His father was Govind Shastri and mother Rukhminibai. His grandfather Gopal Shastri was a learned Pundit or a…
Tag: Shirdi Baba
श्री साई दासगणु गुरू चरणों में अर्पण
साईं छवि को सीने से लगा रखा हैसाईं छवि को सीने से लगा रखा हैसाईं छवि को सीने से लगा रखा हैदासगणु ने साई की असीम कृपा को पा रखा हैसाई छवि को सीने से लगा रखा है | गणु की किस्मत की लकीरों को सजाया साईं नेगणु की किस्मत की लकीरों को सजाया साईं…
श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 15
सभी भक्तों को गूरू पुर्णिमापर्व की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं। || श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नमःअथ श्री साईं ज्ञानेश्वरी नवम् अध्याय: ||श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी’ का नवम् अध्याय ‘फलश्रुति’ है। श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी’ श्री साई की प्रेरणा से रचित है,इस ग्रंथ के पढ़ने से श्री साईं का चित्र आँखों के सामने उभरता है।ग्रंथ का श्रद्धापूर्वक पारायण करने परयह मनवांछित…
श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 14
|| श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नमःअथ श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी अष्टम: अध्याय ||श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी’ का आठवाँ अध्याय “अर्चना, प्रार्थना एवं विनती’ है। व्यक्ति जब श्री साई के अनन्त ऐश्वर्य का अनुभव करता हैतो उसकी आँखें प्रेम के आँसुओं से छलक उठती हैं,वह भक्ति-भाव के साथ श्री साईं की अर्चना में संलग्न हो जाता है।उसके मन में…
श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 13
|| श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नमःअथ श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी सप्तम: अध्याय ||‘श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी’ का सातवाँ अध्याय “श्री साई का ऐश्वर्य’ है। श्री साई ने सगुण रूप में अवतार लेकरमानवता के हित के लिए जो कार्य किया,वह किसी सामान्य व्यक्ति के वश की बात नहीं।उसे सिर्फ वही कर सकता हैजिसमें अनन्त शक्ति हो, दिव्य क्षमता हो।…
श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 12
श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नमः |अथ श्री साईं ज्ञानेश्वरी षष्ठम् अध्याय ||श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी का छठा अध्याय “ईश्वर का ऐश्वर्य’ है। वह जो सम्पूर्ण शक्ति, सम्पूर्ण यश, सम्पूर्ण धन, सम्पूर्ण ज्ञान, सम्पूर्ण सौन्दर्य एवं सम्पूर्ण त्यागआदि छ: प्रकार के ऐश्वर्य से पूर्ण है, वह ईश्वर है। ईश्वर के पास क्या नहीं है?सबका सृजनकर्ता तो वही है।ईश्वर…
श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 11
श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नमःअथ श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी पंचम: अध्याय: | | श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी का पंचम अध्याय ‘भगवदप्राप्ति’ है।भगवद्प्राप्ति का अभिप्राय है—आत्मा में परम-तत्व का अनुभव करना |यह असीम भगवद्भक्ति का फल है। भगवद्प्राप्ति कठिन है, असंभव नहीं |सद्गुरू भगवद्प्राप्ति की युक्ति जानते हैं,वे सिर्फ योग्य भक्त को इसका तरीका बताते हैं।सद्गुरू के आशीर्वाद से…
श्री दासगणु महाराज कि रचना – गुरुपठ अभंग
गुरुपाठ के भजन – हिन्दी अनुवाद अनुवादक – श्रीमती नम्रता बडगे – श्री टिआर माधवन ऊँ साईराम। मैं नम्रता बडगे और श्री टिआर माधवनजी ने मिलकर श्री दासगणु महाराज कि मुल मराठी रचना गुरुपाठ अभंग ओवियोँ को हिन्दी में अनुवाद किया है। साई भक्तों से कासकर जो मराठी भाषा जानते हैं निवेदन है कि इन…
श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 9
|| श्री सद्गुरू साईनाथाय नम:अथ श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी तृतीय अध्याय: | | श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी का तृतीय अध्याय ‘दिव्य ज्ञान’ है |इस अध्याय दुसरा भाग में सद्गुरू श्री साई ने अपने परम भक्तश्री नाना साहब चांदोरकर को दिव्य ज्ञान प्रदान किया हे |सद्गुरू श्री साईनाथ महाराज ने चांदोरकर को बताया हे किईश्वर कौन है, वह…
श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 8
|| श्री सद्गुरू साईनाथाय नम:अथ श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी तृतीय अध्याय: | | श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी का तृतीय अध्याय ‘दिव्य ज्ञान’ है |इस अध्याय में सद्गुरू श्री साई ने अपने परम भक्त श्री नाना साहब चांदोरकर को दिव्य ज्ञान प्रदान किया हे |सद्गुरू श्री साईनाथ महाराज ने चांदोरकर को बताया हे कि ईश्वर कौन है, वह…
श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 7
|| श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नम: ।।।। द्वितीय: अध्याय – कर्म| | बाबा ने चांदोरकर से कहा– “हे नाना! अब में तुम्हें बद्धस्थिति के लक्षण बताता हूँ. भव-भव के बंधन कैसे बंधते हैं, इसके बारे में बताता हूँ। मन को एकाग्र करो और ध्यानपूर्वक सुनो । जो धर्म-अधर्म को नहीं जानता, ईश्वर कौन है और उसकी…
श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 6
।| श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नम: ।।।। द्वितीय: अध्याय – कर्म| | वस्तुतः दोनों का जीवन प्रारब्ध के अधीन है। प्रारब्ध के कारण चोरी करने वाला न पकड़ा जाए, स्वतंत्रतापूर्वक घूमे, परन्तु चोरी के पापकर्म का फल उसका पीछा नहीं छोड़ता, वह उसे कभी न कभी भोगना ही पड़ेगा, उसे भोगने के लिए उसे पुनर्जन्म लेने…
श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 5
श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नम: ।।।। द्वितीय: अध्याय – कर्म| |श्री साईं ज्ञानेश्वरी का द्वितीय अध्याय ‘कर्म’ है। इस अध्याय में सदगुरू श्री साईनाथ महाराज नेनाना साहब चांदोरकर को कर्मा का महत्व बताया है। कर्म दो प्रकार के होते हैं—सत्कर्म और दुष्कर्म |इंसान की मनोवृत्ति उससे सही या गलत कर्म कराती है।कर्म के अनुसार ही कर्मफल…
Sai Baba is Lord Dattatreya: pt2
INCIDENT/EXPERIENCE 3 Balwant Khojokar was at Shirdi in 1911 on the occasion of holy Datta Jayanthi i.e., the day of Lord Dattatreya’s first manifestation as the son of Sage Atri and his wife Anasuya. Khojokar’s son writes about the incident that took place on that day; “At about 5 p.m. or so, Baba was seated…
Sai Baba is Lord Dattatreya: pt1
INCIDENT/EXPERIENCE 1 To the devotees of Lord Dattatreya, Sai Baba was Datta. Once two visitors came from Goa for Baba’s darshan. Baba asked one of them for Rs. 15/- as dakshina and the man gave it. The other man volunteered to offer Rs. 35/- but Baba did not accept it. Later Shama made bold to…
Teachings of Sai-Baba – Shower of Ambrosia, pt2
Shirdi Sai Baba was an epitome of Unity of God, Divine Love and Brotherhood of Man. He was against all barriers of caste, creed and religion against all persecution based on caste or religious orthodoxy. In his personal spiritual practice, Sai Baba observed both the Hindu and Muslim worship procedures. that was most prevalent then….
ऊँ श्री साईनाथाय नमः।
ऊँ साई राम। दर्शन तेरा लाखों भक्तों ने है पाया । खूशबू तेरी महिमा की उदी ने है फैलाई ।। 1 भक्ति-ज्ञान रस है कैसा क्या कहूँ मैं। है ये चीज़ अलग सी जो तुमने मुझे पिलाई।। 2 लाखों भक्त आते हैं अपनी इच्छा लेकर। जो सत्तिच्छा है उसे पूर्ण किया है तूने साई।। 3…
श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 3
|| श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नम: ।।।। ज्ञान – प्रथम: अध्याय || इस संसार में किसी के पास तेज गति से चलने के लिए गाड़ी है, तो किसी के पास रहने के लिए आलीशान मकान है। किसी के पास जाड़े की रात बिताने के लिए पर्याप्त वस्त्र नहींतो किसी को कपड़ों के अभाव में निर्वस्त्र ही…
श्री साईं ज्ञानेश्वरी : भाग 2
भाग 2 वंदना गणनायक गणराज तुम, कहते तुम्हे गणेश | प्रथम वंदना आपको, किरपा करो अशेष || (विनायक) लिखते हैं जब ग्रंथ को, करके तुमको याद | मंगल सरिता काव्य की, करती कल-कल नाद।। (विनायक) माँ! तेरे आशीष से, वीणा में झंकार | वाणी का वरदान दो, गूँजे स्वर के तार।। (शारदे) बसकर मानस में…
श्री साईं ज्ञानेश्वरी
ऊँ सद्गुरू श्री साईनाथाय नम: भूमिका ‘श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी’ सदगुरू साईनाथ महाराज के दिव्य ज्ञान का एक अनमोल ग्रंथ है। इसमें जीवन का व्यावहारिक ज्ञान है। यह ज्ञान समसामयिक है और आज कं युग में दुनिया के लिए अत्यन्त उपयोगी है। इस ज्ञान में वह क्षमता है जो व्यक्ति के जीवन को सार्थकता प्रदान करता…
What is the meaning of Shraddha and Saburi?
SHRADDHA It is difficult to translate Shraddha into English. The closest words which come to mind are – faith, belief, trust, or confidence in a person. When Sai-Baba advised us to have Shraddha; what He meant was to trust and believe in Baba being the boat that can help sail us across the ocean of…
साईं तेरे हर नीति वचनों
तेरे हर नीति वचनों का मान रखा है हमने उसका पालन कर …
A lawsuit for Appa
Appa Kulkarni of Shirdi was a great devotee of Sai Baba. He was once charged with embezzling government money, maybe because of his past karma. God alone knew whether the charges were true or false but people started whispering that Appa was a cheat. Appa was scared that he might be taken to court and…
Bayaja Bai Ma
The moment Baba saw Bayaja Bai, he said, “She has been my sister for the last seven births”. When she met Baba as a young lad sitting under the neem tree, the parental feelings took her over as if Sai-Baba was her son. Mrs. Bayaja Patil showered love and cared for young Baba who abruptly…
Sainath – Our Saviour
The soil of Shirdi was blessed The advent of Lord Sai it witnessed He incarnated to eradicate the miseries of the human race And shower on them His Divine Love and Grace. Sai answered prayers and fulfilled the desires of mankind Their Spiritual Upliftment was always in His mind. He had respect all faiths and…
Shirdi Sai Devotee – Sri Narayan Asram
Sri Narayan Asram. Dady Agiary St., BOMBAY. Sanyasi and Disciple Of Vedasrama Swami (Taraka Mutt, Durgaghat, Kashi), Residing At Vaman Muth, Gangapuri Wai, (Satara District), Aged 58, 23rd SEPT. 1936 I knew Sai Baba, i.e., heard the name and the greatness of Sai Baba in 1910 from Das Ganu Maharaj’s kirtana. I asked him, “Is…
Abdul : Baba’s devotee
Abdul : son of Sultan of Nanded in Khandesh, Aged about 65, Mussulman, residing at Shirdi 8th December, 1936 I came to Shirdi 45 years ago (1889) from Nanded on the banks of Tapti. I was under the care of Fakir Amiruddin of Nanded. Sai Baba appeared in the dream of that Fakir and delivering…
Abdullah Jan : Sai Baba’s devotee
Originally Of Tarbella, Hazara District, Near Peshawar, Muhammadan, Pathan, Living For Years At Korhale Near Sakori, Aged 40, Shirdi, 5th November, 1936. I had left Tarbella when I was quite a boy. I had none to support me and I wished to go abroad and see Mecca, etc. So I travelled down south to Manmad….
Chandrabai : Baba’s Devotee
Chandrabai: aged 66, wife of late Ramachandra Borkar, Ville Parle, 1936. I am a worshipper of Sai Baba for the last 44 years or so. Blessed & fortunate to see Baba for first time at Shirdi 20 years before his Mahasamadhi. I still retain a good quantity of the udhi which he gave me each…
Shirdi Sai Baba’s Ardent Devotee – Shivammataayee
Born on 16-5-1891 in a village called VELLAI KINARU near Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu. About herself as narrated by Raajamma/ShivammaThayee:- Her uncle (father’s elder brother) Thangavel Gounder brought Shirdi Sai Baba to a village near Pollachi in the year 1906 (In Sai Satcharithra, we were told that Baba never really went outside Shirdi & its nearby villages….
Radhakrishna Mayee
Original name of Radhakrishna Mai was Sundari Bai Kshirsagar. In 1899 A.D. Sundari Bai Kshirasagar turned 17 years of age and she got married to one Sri.Daithankar and was hence called by the name “Sundari Bai Dahitankar”. Due to fate, the husband of Sundaribai Kshirsagar passed away on the eighth day of the marriage. This…
Abode of Tranquility and Spirituality
The village of Shirdi was a remote unknown place By its destiny, fortune and Divine Grace. The advent of Mother Sai it witnessed By the touch of His Lotus Feet its soil was blessed. Sai inculcated in us the virtues of Shraddha and Saburi And to accept all situations without fear and fury. He taught…
Love, What It Is
If you have read the book “the road less travelled”, you must have read the chapter on love by Scott Peck. His definition of love is very beautiful. What does love mean according to him? Love is not a feeling; it is an activity and an investment. Love is the will or desire to extend…
Sai-Saburi November, 2019 edition
Please click below to go to the magazine page. You can read it online or downoad the same to your device.
Saburi : Hindi Poem
साई का आशीर्वाद हूँ मैं सबुरी नामक एक वरदान हूँ मैं | गहन निशा में कहीं दूर नजर आती चमकीली आशा की रश्मि हूँ मैं | अनंत समय के गवाह ध्रुव तारे की तरह अविनाशी अविस्मृत सत्य हूँ मैं | कभी मूर्त और संगठित और कभी मृग तृष्णा की तरह अक्सर तुम्हारे विचारों में व्याप्त…
Can Tea without sugar take you to Shirdi?
Dasganu was once performing his Kirtan and singing the glory of Sai Baba, in the Koupineshwar temple in Thana. One Mr. Cholkar, a poor man serving as a candidate in the Civil Courts in Thana, was amongst the audience. He heard Dasganu’s Kirtan most attentively and was much moved. He there and then mentally bowed…
See ME in 1926
Shirdi Sai Baba conferred His grace abundantly to everyone who sought His grace with purity of heart and selfless devotion. Mataji Krishna Priya was one such a devotee. She lived in Nagpur and she used to worship Krishna and considered Shirdi Sai Baba as another form of Krishna. She frequently visited Shirdi to seek Baba’s…
Was it Baba who came to my rescue?
I am sharing my experience about how lovely and great it is to be a devotee of Shree Sai Baba. In the first week of September 2018, I went to char dham along with my parents, family and friends. While going to Yamunotri, we all were quite excited. We were a party of twelve people….
Here’s a short story readers may enjoy. At the same time be ‘amazed’ at how those in higher levels do work together for the betterment of us here on earth. Back in 2012 while sitting in meditation I was given a most incredibly beautiful vision. My inner-eye immediately opened with great clarity in seeing empty…
God’s or Baba’s Compassion
I was invited to sit with a group of people in a friend’s home one night back in 1993 (satsang). The meeting was to hold a talk on Sathya Sai Baba, One of the main topics was to discuss in-depth that of his healing miracles. Sitting in the group was a woman with advanced lung…
Swami Answers A Cry for Help !
I will never forget the interview we had with Sathya Sai Baba along with an Indian family back in 2004 when in Prashanti Nilayam. Swami called my brother and me in for an interview along with an Indian family. The family consisted of husband and wife, their son who would have been in his twenties,…
My Son merged with Sai Baba
A mother pours her heart out how she found solace by understanding Baba’s messages in her life. It is a little longer than a usual article. A blessing to read this. The hit and run accident and on the spot passing over of my 18-year-old son, Ritik (Honey) on the year 2007 valentine’s day at…
Conversation with Shirdi Sai Baba
Sai Baba of Shirdi did not write any books. All that is available to us is records of a number of conversations between him and his devotees preserved in various biographical accounts. The following is a conversation which a devotee, Nana Govind Chandorkar, a Deputy Collector who was a traditionally well read orthodox person, had…
Shirdi Sai Baba Visits Dubai
Mr. Vasu Shroff, an industrialist is a devotee of Baba. In the year of 2002, he had gone to Shirdi and prayed to Baba asking him as to when He was coming to Dubai. When he opened his eyes, he saw a piece of paper on his lap. It said, “I will come on the…
सदगुरु साईं तेरे चरणों को सब गुरु महानो का समझकर….
धन्य धन्य है गुरु पुर्णिमा का पर्व । सभी गुरु महानो को अभिनन्दन समर्पित करने का पर्व । करते हैं सभी महापुरुषों को वन्दना एवं आराधना । उनमे हम है करते साई की उपासना । सदगुरु साईं का प्यार अपरमपार । मिलता ज्ञान का अमृत, जो भक्त आते उसके द्वार । मांगने से पहले देता…
Baba Fed Sumptuously, HOW?
Once, Mrs. Tarkhad from Mumbai was staying in a certain house in Shirdi. At noon, meals were ready and were being served, when a hungry dog turned up there and began to bark. Mrs. Tarkhad got up at once and threw a piece of bread which the dog gulped with great relish! In the afternoon,…
Nana talks to Baba
The following is a conversation which a devotee, Nana Govind Chandorkar, a Deputy Collector who was a traditionally well read orthodox person, had with Shirdi Sai Baba. Nana: Baba, I am fed up with this samsra. It is only nissara (that is without content). Please help me cut the bonds which bind me to it….