Look who is here

Gypsy Sharma, a young man age 21, was suffering from cancer. On the 16th of February 1983, while he was asleep, his mother tried to wake him up. With eyes half opened the boy moved a little and said, `What are you doing mother? Do not disturb me please. Look, Meher Baba is here in…

Why Meher Baba Observed Silence

/// Note from Admin: This post was a comment posted by Kendra in response to this post: https://saisaburi.org/why-do-you-shout-in-anger/ I (Admin) did not want the comment to lie obscure and hence created this new post in Kendra’s name. The earlier comment is also preserved & it stays there. I have heard this story from Eruch Jessawala,…

O Christmas Tree

This morning I was idly watching the TV news when on screen came a very large, tall fir tree. The reporter said that the Christmas tree for Rockefeller Center in New York City was about to be cut down. I felt unexpectedly distressed and quickly changed the channel, as if a human beheading were about…