In October 1917, Baba spoke to a Bombay lady:-Mother, what do you want? Ask for it. Lady : Let me be free from the whirl of births and deaths. Baba: (laughing) : Is this all you want? What! Have you come to die? Lady : (Shocked), Baba, I do not at all understand you. Baba…
Category: Experience
Punya Protects You Everytime
Doubt vs Faith The unfortunate fact about most of us is that as most educated minds are fed on the Cartesian principle of doubting everything, the logician’s axiom about insufficiency of individual cases to prove universal propositions and other similar doubts crop up over and over again. When 150 experiences of Baba’s help had been…
Mrs. Manager’s Reminiscences
“We used to go and sit near Sri Sal Baba at his mosque. At appropriate time, any one could go up and bow before him and sit there. On one occasion as I was seated at a short distance from Sri Sai Baba, there came a leper to the mosque. His disease was far advanced….
Baba, You must come to my Marriage
Sai Devotees, Please read this mail with full love and devotion. I would like to share with you all an incident of Shirdi Baba’s appearance during a wedding. The incident of Baba’s appearance, the version of which I have heard, is as follows. The bride who is a devotee of Sai-Baba went along with her…
Baba’s Grace Above Material Wealth
I did not have sufficient money to take the flight and arrange a stay in Mumbai. One of the investing partners knew about this and arranged that. I arrived to Mumbai and they received me at the airport. The friend who arranged my travel and stay had arrived from Bahrain. He had changed his foreign…
Bhimaji Patil’s Past Karmas
One Bhimaji Patil of Narayanagaon, Taluka Junnar, Dist. Poona, suffered in the year 1909 A.D. from a severe and chronic chest-disease which ultimately developed into Tuberculosis. He tried all sorts of remedies, but to no effect. Losing all hopes, he ultimately prayed to God – “Oh Lord Narayana, help me now”. It is a well…
Through the Door
From Pune, I took a bus to Shirdi and reached late at night. At the entrance of the Samadhi complex, stood Babaji. “Come, come,” he said, “so you met the young yogi. Here everything is closed now but we shall go to the Chavadi, where Sainath used to sleep.” We walked past the Samadhi, Gurusthan…
Sai Baba is Lord Dattatreya: pt2
INCIDENT/EXPERIENCE 3 Balwant Khojokar was at Shirdi in 1911 on the occasion of holy Datta Jayanthi i.e., the day of Lord Dattatreya’s first manifestation as the son of Sage Atri and his wife Anasuya. Khojokar’s son writes about the incident that took place on that day; “At about 5 p.m. or so, Baba was seated…
Sai Baba is Lord Dattatreya: pt1
INCIDENT/EXPERIENCE 1 To the devotees of Lord Dattatreya, Sai Baba was Datta. Once two visitors came from Goa for Baba’s darshan. Baba asked one of them for Rs. 15/- as dakshina and the man gave it. The other man volunteered to offer Rs. 35/- but Baba did not accept it. Later Shama made bold to…
A Weeping Statue
A Weeping Statue I often visited Uttarvrindavan, an ashram in the Himalayas, and did satsanga with Krishna Prem (Professor Nixon) and Anand Bikkhu (Dr. Alexander). These two Europeans, one of whom had been a professor of English and the other a professor of medicine, were disciples of Yashoda Ma, a female mystic from Bengal. They…
Was it Sai Baba?
Every Thursday I used to attend Sai baba’s aarati of 6 pm & 8:45 pm when I was doing Engineering. As soon as I graduated from Engineering I got a very good job in a renowned organization. Once I started working I could no longer attend 6 pm aarati at Sai Baba temple because of long travel time from…
From Nuclear Physicist to Musician
introduction A brilliant Indian student by the name of Vemu Mukunda had taken science courses at universities in India. Then he left his motherland to conduct postgraduate research in Scotland. He took a job in England working in nuclear science. Although outwardly he seemed to have successfully established himself in his chosen field, yet he…
Dried Trees
Purandare loved Baba as himself. When Baba suffered from something, he felt the pain in his own heart. It grieved him that Baba had to walk in the blazing sun to the Chávadi building or Lendi garden every day. With great difficulty, he hauled a few saplings from Mumbai; he wanted to plant them along…
My Experience with a Dancing Girl
My master often told me, “This entire world is a theatre of learning. You should not depend on me alone to teach you, but should learn from everything.” One time he instructed me: “Now, my boy, go to Darjeeling. Outside the city, there is a stream. There is a cremation ground on the bank of…
Practice Makes Perfect
Once when I was teaching about life and death a swami quietly came in and sat with my students. I thought he was a beginner, so I treated him as I treated the others. While the others were carefully taking notes, he only smiled, and that annoyed me. I finally asked, “Are you listening to…
Sai Saburi Magazine : Feb 2020
Let the world go topsy-turvy
Shirdi Sai Baba always used to say, “Let the world go topsy-turvy, you remain calm wherever you are”. My recent experience made me internalize this teaching from Sai Baba practically. In 2016, my father met with an accident and if he could walk somehow after that severe accident, it was all by the grace of…
Sai Saburi Magazine Volume 6 : January 2020 Edition
Sai Ram dear friends, you may find below the latest edition of the spiritual magazine – Sai Saburi for the month of January 2020. Dedicated to spirituality and all the Gurus of the world, this volume will provide food for the seeking souls. May you all be happier, prosperous & peaceful in the times ahead….
Chandrabai : Baba’s Devotee
Chandrabai: aged 66, wife of late Ramachandra Borkar, Ville Parle, 1936. I am a worshipper of Sai Baba for the last 44 years or so. Blessed & fortunate to see Baba for first time at Shirdi 20 years before his Mahasamadhi. I still retain a good quantity of the udhi which he gave me each…
Look who is here
Gypsy Sharma, a young man age 21, was suffering from cancer. On the 16th of February 1983, while he was asleep, his mother tried to wake him up. With eyes half opened the boy moved a little and said, `What are you doing mother? Do not disturb me please. Look, Meher Baba is here in…
Why Meher Baba Observed Silence
/// Note from Admin: This post was a comment posted by Kendra in response to this post: I (Admin) did not want the comment to lie obscure and hence created this new post in Kendra’s name. The earlier comment is also preserved & it stays there. I have heard this story from Eruch Jessawala,…
O Christmas Tree
This morning I was idly watching the TV news when on screen came a very large, tall fir tree. The reporter said that the Christmas tree for Rockefeller Center in New York City was about to be cut down. I felt unexpectedly distressed and quickly changed the channel, as if a human beheading were about…
Sai-Saburi November, 2019 edition
Please click below to go to the magazine page. You can read it online or downoad the same to your device.
Sai-Saburi Magazine, October 2019
Dear readers, on Sai-Baba day or Guruvar (Thursday), We are happy to bring to you latest edition of Sai-Saburi Magazine. Om Sai Ram. Volume 3 : October 2019 Edition Please click on above link to see the magazine.
See ME in 1926
Shirdi Sai Baba conferred His grace abundantly to everyone who sought His grace with purity of heart and selfless devotion. Mataji Krishna Priya was one such a devotee. She lived in Nagpur and she used to worship Krishna and considered Shirdi Sai Baba as another form of Krishna. She frequently visited Shirdi to seek Baba’s…
Was it Baba who came to my rescue?
I am sharing my experience about how lovely and great it is to be a devotee of Shree Sai Baba. In the first week of September 2018, I went to char dham along with my parents, family and friends. While going to Yamunotri, we all were quite excited. We were a party of twelve people….
Compassionate Old Sage
This is an amazing experience received from “Rosemarie Mettel” on our facebook page. I had sent him/her a friend request so that he/she could create a user account on our website and post it himself/herself. However, after several months, I did not get response from the author and I finally decided to post it here….
Here’s a short story readers may enjoy. At the same time be ‘amazed’ at how those in higher levels do work together for the betterment of us here on earth. Back in 2012 while sitting in meditation I was given a most incredibly beautiful vision. My inner-eye immediately opened with great clarity in seeing empty…
God’s or Baba’s Compassion
I was invited to sit with a group of people in a friend’s home one night back in 1993 (satsang). The meeting was to hold a talk on Sathya Sai Baba, One of the main topics was to discuss in-depth that of his healing miracles. Sitting in the group was a woman with advanced lung…
Swami Answers A Cry for Help !
I will never forget the interview we had with Sathya Sai Baba along with an Indian family back in 2004 when in Prashanti Nilayam. Swami called my brother and me in for an interview along with an Indian family. The family consisted of husband and wife, their son who would have been in his twenties,…
My Son merged with Sai Baba
A mother pours her heart out how she found solace by understanding Baba’s messages in her life. It is a little longer than a usual article. A blessing to read this. The hit and run accident and on the spot passing over of my 18-year-old son, Ritik (Honey) on the year 2007 valentine’s day at…
Shirdi Sai Baba Visits Dubai
Mr. Vasu Shroff, an industrialist is a devotee of Baba. In the year of 2002, he had gone to Shirdi and prayed to Baba asking him as to when He was coming to Dubai. When he opened his eyes, he saw a piece of paper on his lap. It said, “I will come on the…
Alongwith Sai
I want to share my experience to show that God is always with us to support and show us the way. Be patient and have faith in God, everything will be good over time. When we came to Canada , it was peak recession time. Almost everyone around was losing the jobs they had. And…
Vision of Lord Krishna
I have been pondering on what experience next should I unveil. It is then that suddenly I opened a hard cover writing pad. I had kept in a drawer in my office. I had purchased this in the Prashanti Nilayam ashram shopping center back in June 2010. Had kept it as a diary of the…
Sainath Does Not Leave His Devotees
I don’t remember the exact year; it happened 10 or 13 years ago. I was studying Engineering in Bengaluru. One night, Sri Sainath appeared in my dream. Perhaps it was more a trance than a dream. Even today I can vividly recall Sri Sainath as He was in that dream..six feet tall, in a bright…
I would like to share two wonderful experiences that occurred on separate occasions while in meditation. The first was on the 4th of June 2015 and the second was on the 7th June 2015. But first, and just briefly, I would like to mention “St. Michael“, better known as Archangel Michael. My first encounter with…
My Loving Lord
I believe there comes a time in everyone’s life, eventually; it prompts them in one way or another to talk about the experiences given them, whether they be spiritual or of a supernatural occurrence. The experiences I have encountered from a very young age, rarely have I ever uncovered them to others but only to…
The Prankster
As always, I document my experiences as soon as possible so as to not forget anything. This experience, or should I say “Leela”, occurred on Tuesday the 22nd of May 2018 at 5:40 pm. I went to my bedroom and closed the door so I could lay on my bed and talk to a friend…
Baba Instructed Me
Dear readers, wanted to share an experience of Baba’s blessing to me. This experience happened about 10 years ago when I was studying Engineering in Bangalore. As soon as my final year of the degree started, I started worrying about the final-year project & job placement. I deeply wished to get an opportunity to complete…
Neem Karoli Baba keeps promise
Here is a short story of what Maharajji (Neem Karoli Baba) said about Mahasamadhi: “Maharajji went to Shirdi Sai Baba temple in Madras. He sat there quietly. A woman with a baby sat crying before a picture of Shirdi Sai Baba, who had left his body many years before. Maharajji said, “You know what she…
Sai Baba in my Dreams
Crushing the fear For a long time in my life, I suffered from nightmares. These nightmares had a common theme. I used to see a dark figure which would show up in my ancestral home; either in the vacant land available or the unused cow-shed (cows were there as long as my grandmother was there…
Ma’s Grace
A true story of Ma’s grace. Hope you like it. In 1948, Ma’s birthday anniversary was being celebrated in a private garden in New Delhi. One morning in the midst of satsang (religious congregation) a weird looking man entered the garden. He was dressed in a queer fashion and his face bore the look of…
Saimaa came
It was on Tuesday 4th June 2019 around 12.30 pm, a miracle that I will always cherish in my life. I had visited Shirdi with my daughter, uncle and aunty on Monday. Despite the heavy pouring crowd of devotees, Sai took care of us like always and we got a splendid darshan. Each time I…
Cry Only For Him
An experience with Anandamayi Ma. It is from from a book on Ma. For the source details, refer towards the end of the post. Hope you all like it. In the summer of 1948, a lady from South India had come to Kishenpur with a party from Hrishikesh. Seemingly absentminded and obviously distressed, she told…
Chance Encounter Changes His Life
It was one of the coldest nights in Northern India – January 31, 1947. The Calcutta bound Delhi Express was about to leave Delhi Junction railway station. I was rushing frantically from one end of the platform to the other in search of accommodation on the train. The porter led me to a vacant compartment…
Baba’s miracle – my son!
By: Nidhi Mehra I am living this life just because of my Sai Baba. I had always only heard about Bba’s miracles, but today I can happily say that I have also seen Sai’s miracle and got HIS blessings – as my Son! 😊 I got married in Nov 2004, was living happily like all…
Nana talks to Baba
The following is a conversation which a devotee, Nana Govind Chandorkar, a Deputy Collector who was a traditionally well read orthodox person, had with Shirdi Sai Baba. Nana: Baba, I am fed up with this samsra. It is only nissara (that is without content). Please help me cut the bonds which bind me to it….
Journey towards You : Pt 2
The part numbers indicate the order of writing and does not correlate with the chronological order of events and experiences. It was the second year of engineering, and in our college, we had to change our hostel rooms at the end of every year. Every room of a building had a unique address. After I…
Journey towards You : Pt 1
Writing about one’s own self is a pretty difficult task. Strange, isn’t it? We can write volumes about others yet always fall short of efforts to write about our own selves. The idea here is to just share some of my own personal experiences with you all. I would like this website a tool for…
Swami Somadeva’s Aversion
Bhaiji, brother of Kakasaheb Dixit was staying at Nagpur. When he had gone to the Himalayas in 1906, he made an acquaintance with one Somadeva Swami of Haradwar at Uttar-Kashi down the Gangotri Valley. Both took down each other’s names in their diaries. Five years afterwards, Somadeva Swami came to Nagpur and was Bhaiji’s guest….
Maid Servant demonstrates meaning of Upanishad
Das Ganu once started to write a commentary on the Ishavasya Upanishad. He translated it verse by verse into the Marathi language. But he did not comprehend the gist of it and so was not satisfied with his performance. He, therefore, consulted some learned men regarding his doubts and difficulties and discussed with them at…
Suicide Thwarted
Mr. Gopal Narayan Ambadekar of Poona was a devotee of Baba. He served for ten years in the Abkari department, from where he had to retire. He tried to get some other job, but he did not succeed. He was overtaken by other calamities and his condition grew from bad to worse. He passed 7…
Sai Baba’s mercy on Bhimaji Patil
One Bhimaji Patil of Narayanagaon, Taluka Junnar, Dist. Poona, suffered in the year 1909 A.D. from a severe and chronic chest-disease which ultimately developed into Tuberculosis. He tried all sorts of pathos (remedies), but to no effect. Losing all hopes, he ultimately prayed to God – “Oh Lord Narayana, help me now”. It is a…
The Cure and the Confirmation
How Baba proved to Mr. Dixit that He is same Shirdi Sai come again Mr. M S Dixit had the unique privilege of seeing Shirdi Sai Baba when he visited Shirdi in 1909 as a young lad and later Sri Sathya Sai Baba in 1961 when he was past sixty. Here’s how he realised that…
Faith secures passing grade
There lived Tendulkar family in Bandra, a suburb of Bombay. All the members of the family were devoted to Shirdi Sai Baba. The son of the family was studying hard day and night and wanted to appear for the medical examination. He consulted some astrologers. Examining his horoscope, they told him that the stars were…