श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 7

|| श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नम: ।।।। द्वितीय: अध्याय – कर्म| | बाबा ने चांदोरकर से कहा– “हे नाना! अब में तुम्हें बद्धस्थिति के लक्षण बताता हूँ. भव-भव के बंधन कैसे बंधते हैं, इसके बारे में बताता हूँ। मन को एकाग्र करो और ध्यानपूर्वक सुनो । जो धर्म-अधर्म को नहीं जानता, ईश्वर कौन है और उसकी…

श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 6

।| श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नम: ।।।। द्वितीय: अध्याय – कर्म| | वस्तुतः दोनों का जीवन प्रारब्ध के अधीन है। प्रारब्ध के कारण चोरी करने वाला न पकड़ा जाए, स्वतंत्रतापूर्वक घूमे, परन्तु चोरी के पापकर्म का फल उसका पीछा नहीं छोड़ता, वह उसे कभी न कभी भोगना ही पड़ेगा, उसे भोगने के लिए उसे पुनर्जन्म लेने…


To very few is it given to hear about the AtmaMany more who hear of the Atma, do not understand.Wonderful is the person who speaks of it.Intelligent is the person who learns of it.Most blessed is he who hears itfrom a knowing teacher and understands it. The Katha Upanishad contains the story of the young…

Lesson to Narendra by Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna wanted to initiate his new pupil, Narendra, into Advaitha Vedanta (the teaching that all this is only the One) and so gave him several Advaitha treatises to read. But the earlier religious background of Narendra would not allow him to accept such teachings. He would rebel saying “It is blasphemy, there is no…

Story of King Khatvanga

The Bhagavata describes the various descents of the Supreme Being into form and the activities and events surrounding them through time. Of all the sacred texts, reading of the Bhagavata engenders emotional states of devotion and bliss as the mind basks in the uplifting stories of the divine descents. The Bhagavata contains stories of the…

Kabeer Ke Dohe

कामी   क्रोधी  लालची , इनसे  भक्ति  ना  होए  | भक्ति  करे  कोई  सूरमा , जाती  वरण  कुल  खोय  || What kind of devotion can you expect from a man of sensual pleasures, anger or greed? The valiant person who leaves behind his family and caste can be a true devotee. बैद  मुआ  रोगी  मुआ ,…

Shri Ram : A Divine Incarnation

In the philosophical or theological context, an incarnation is manifestation of God upon earth in corporeal form, which can be that of a human being or any living being. As an incarnation, God lives upon earth, goes through the same lifecycle as other living beings to resolve some fundamental problems of existence. In a way…

श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 5

श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नम: ।।।। द्वितीय: अध्याय – कर्म| |श्री साईं ज्ञानेश्वरी का द्वितीय अध्याय ‘कर्म’ है। इस अध्याय में सदगुरू श्री साईनाथ महाराज नेनाना साहब चांदोरकर को कर्मा का महत्व बताया है। कर्म दो प्रकार के होते हैं—सत्कर्म और दुष्कर्म |इंसान की मनोवृत्ति उससे सही या गलत कर्म कराती है।कर्म के अनुसार ही कर्मफल…

Sai Baba is Lord Dattatreya: pt2

INCIDENT/EXPERIENCE 3 Balwant Khojokar was at Shirdi in 1911 on the occasion of holy Datta Jayanthi i.e., the day of Lord Dattatreya’s first manifestation as the son of Sage Atri and his wife Anasuya. Khojokar’s son writes about the incident that took place on that day; “At about 5 p.m. or so, Baba was seated…

Sai Baba is Lord Dattatreya: pt1

INCIDENT/EXPERIENCE 1 To the devotees of Lord Dattatreya, Sai Baba was Datta. Once two visitors came from Goa for Baba’s darshan. Baba asked one of them for Rs. 15/- as dakshina and the man gave it. The other man volunteered to offer Rs. 35/- but Baba did not accept it. Later Shama made bold to…

श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 4

|| श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नम: ।।।। ज्ञान – प्रथम: अध्याय || भंडारे के रूप में भी अन्नदान किया जा सकता है।सामूहिक भंडारा कोई भी, कभी भी, अपनी इच्छा से कर सकता है।घर, जमीन, मकान, दुकान, संपत्ति, अनेक प्रतिष्ठान होने पर, अनुकूल समय चलने पर,मनवांछित इच्छा पूरी होने पर एक हजार व्यक्तियों को अन्नदान करें, या…

Teachings of Sai-Baba – Shower of Ambrosia, pt2

Shirdi Sai Baba was an epitome of Unity of God, Divine Love and Brotherhood of Man. He was against all barriers of caste, creed and religion against all persecution based on caste or religious orthodoxy. In his personal spiritual practice, Sai Baba observed both the Hindu and Muslim worship procedures. that was most prevalent then….

ऊँ श्री साईनाथाय नमः।

ऊँ साई राम। दर्शन तेरा लाखों भक्तों ने है पाया । खूशबू तेरी महिमा की उदी ने है फैलाई ।। 1 भक्ति-ज्ञान रस है कैसा क्या कहूँ मैं। है ये चीज़ अलग सी जो तुमने मुझे पिलाई।। 2 लाखों भक्त आते हैं अपनी इच्छा लेकर। जो सत्तिच्छा है उसे पूर्ण किया है तूने साई।। 3…

Neem Karoli Baba

Neem Karoli Baba is also known as Neeb Karori Baba, and is called “Maharaj-ji” by His devotees. Maharaj-ji’s teachings were simple and universal. He often said, “Sub Ek” — All is One. He taught us to “love everyone, serve everyone, remember God, and tell the truth.” Strongly connected to Hanuman, the Hindu God in the…