Does God Exist

I had a talk with an elderly man a while back and he asked me straight out – what are your thoughts on God. He went further in saying: look around us, the suffering, the wars, various diseases, climate change, etc., etc. After he finished, I simply said, “Yes”, I do believe in God. It…

SaiSaburi Magazine May 2022

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SaiSaburi Magazine April 2022

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SaiSaburi Magazine March 2022

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Sri Sai the Superman

Long before this, Baba had run unto the rescue of one of his devotees three steamers during the Russo-Japanese War. The devotee Shree Jehangirji Framji Daruwala served as a captain. When he found that his steamers except three were all sunk by the enemy and that the rest of the steamers including his own would…

Message in the Crowd

On the holy day of Sivarathri in 1975, I had finished my worship. At about 8.30 a.m., I had a strong urge to take darshan of one great saint, Sri Venkaiah Avadhuta at a village named Golagamudi. I called one of my students, Ramakrishna whose father was a devotee of this saint and asked him…

Avaste – Baba’s Devotee PT1

Sri Purushotham R. Avaste, Poona a retired judge of Gwalior, is another devotee of Sai Baba whose great merit helped Sri B.V.N. Swami know about Baba and B.V.N.Swami became an instrument to spread Baba’s faith throughout India. Sri Avaste was born in February 1870 in a fairly orthodox family and had very good and holy…

Mahlsapathy – A Detached Soul

Mahlsapathy’s contact with Baba was on very close terms. By reason of the death of his only son (in the eighties of the last century perhaps) and his having only three daughters, he was detached with life. His land yielded nothing, and the goldsmith’s profession yielded also practically nothing. So, he was ready for the…

An Umbrella of Protection

In 1967 R.P. Vaish, a devotee of Baba’s, came to Kainchi to see Neem Karoli Baba. He was being transferred to Delhi, and he told Baba that he wanted to tour Kashmir before taking up his post. When Vaish was leaving, Baba gave him an umbrella and said, “Keep it with you. It rains heavily…

Sai Saburi Magazine- Feb 2022

Please click on the below link to go to You can access the magazine there. Sai Ram.

Baba’s Grace

I would like to tell a story, 3 stories really which I believe will bring a smile to every readers face knowing that we are ‘never’ alone, as God is with us always. This story is to do with the passing of my father-in-law, my father, and later my mother. But at different stages of…

Bring into Practice

श्री. व्ही. एच. ठाकुर, बी. ए. रेव्हेन्यू विभाग में एक कर्मचारी थे । वे एक समय भूमिमापक दल के साथ कार्य करते हुए बेलगाँव के समीप वडगाँव नामक ग्राम में पहुँचे । वहाँ उन्होंने एक कानड़ी संत पुरुष (आप्पा) के दर्शन कर उनकी चरण वन्दना की । वे अपने भक्तों को निश्चलदासकृत विचारसागर नामक ग्रंथ…

What is Your Happy Dream

What is your happy dream? I asked this question of a man I once met in California. Several years earlier he had quit an excellent job at a high-tech company in Silicon Valley. He had been reading books about emptiness and had come to the conclusion that his job was empty — empty of meaning,…

Sage Ribhu and His disciple Nidagha – ‘I’ AND YOU

An earnest devotee asked Sri Bhagavan about the method to realize the Self. As usual, Sri Bhagavan told him to find out who is the ‘I’ in his question. After a few more questions in this strain, the devotee asked, “Instead of inquiring ‘Who am I?’, can I put the question to myself ‘Who are…

Meeting the Masters – PT 1

The next teacher I met was a true master — Yogananda. Would you like to hear a little bit about him? I went to Santa Barbara to see Helen Bridges, who was the artist who drew Babaji, the great master, under Yogananda’s guidance. She had a room about the size of this small stage as…

Wisdom From Thích Nhất Hạnh

Do not be idolatrous about or bound to any doctrine, theory, or ideology, even Buddhist ones. Buddhist systems of thought are guiding means; they are not absolute truth. Do not think the knowledge you presently possess is changeless, absolute truth. Avoid being narrow minded and bound to present views. Learn and practice non attachment from…


Shantideva, the Gentle Master, who wrote the classic book Entering the Bodhisattva Path (Bodhicharyavatara) twelve hundred years ago, said: “Anger is the greatest evil; patient forbearance is the greatest austerity.” Anger is thought to be the greatest negativity, just as killing is the greatest sin. Patience and forgiveness is said to be the greatest virtue, the hardest…

The greater the trial, the greater the reward

The darkest cloud has a silvery lining. The pall of night is lifted when the sun shines; in all its brightness and glory. Even if the struggle be hard, why be sad and gloomy? For, is not God, your Father, near you, to befriend you? Keep your mind still like waters of the deep lake….

Just Say RAM RAM

“Give my greetings to Babaji. Say Ram Ram to him,” he said, “now you can go.” He pushed me out of his lap, and gave me a whack on my bum. I prostrated and walked back to where I was sitting, somewhere in the last row. That night, I stayed at the ashram. Someone kindly…

Naropa′s Vision

Naropa was a great scholar, a great pundit, with ten thousand disciples of his own. One day he was sitting surrounded by thousands of scriptures–ancient, very ancient, rare. Suddenly he fell asleep, must have been tired, and he saw a vision. He saw a very, very old, ugly, horrible woman–a hag. Her ugliness was such…

Summary of Second Discourse : Gita

Sanjaya explains the condition of Arjuna, who was agitated due to attachment and fear. Lord Krishna rebukes him for his dejection, which was due to Moha or attachment, and exhorts him to fight. After failing to convince Sri Krishna through his seemingly wise thoughts, Arjuna realises his helplessness and surrenders himself completely to the Lord,…

Old Habits Die Hard

There was an old woman, who was a seller of oil by profession. In her ninety years of human existence, she did nothing except selling oil. When her life was to end and she was about to die, all her relatives assembled around her. Looking at them, the woman said, “You are all here, I…

Summary of First Discourse : Gita

The great Mahabharata war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas took place on the holy plain of Kurukshetra. After the failure of Lord Krishna’s peace mission, when He Himself went to Hastinapura as the emissary of the Pandavas, there was no other alternative for the Pandavas but to engage in war for their rightful share…

Sorrow of Son’s Passing

There was once a tapasvi (ascetic) who was always busy in worship and meditation. He had a young son who fell sick. He was an only son and much loved. The father sought help from many doctors and vaidyas; they all tried different treatments on the boy, but his illness did not abate. The doctors…

Dasganu’s Bath in Prayag

Dasganu left his job with the police and became Baba’s staunch devotee and disciple. After receiving Baba’s blessings, he decided that he would lead his life singing Bhajans, hymns and praises of the Lord. Thousands of people used to gather just to hear his speech. Baba changed him from a man who used to recite…

Lighting of Diyas

When he was an unknown fakir he was practically ignored and treated by most of the villagers as of no account. Suddenly one day an incident occurred which brought a thorough change in the situation. He always had his Mosque, wherein he lived, lit up with three or four -earthen lamps, according to the view…

Craving for Worldly Pleasure

Trailokya : “What is the way to dry up the craving for worldly pleasure?” Sri Ramakrishna : “Pray to the Divine Mother with a longing heart. Her vision dries up all craving for the world and completely destroys all attachment to ‘woman and gold’. It happens instantly if you think of Her as your own…

Wisdom from Vyadh-Gita

Below are translations of some of the shlokas from Vyadha Geeta. If you want to know what this Geeta is, you can take a look here: Regarding myself, I always seek to please with acts of kindness, those that praise me, as also those that speak ill of me. Giving food to the best…

Vyadha Gita

The Vyadha Gita (meaning, teachings of a butcher) is a part of the epic Mahabharata and consists of the teachings imparted by a vyadha (Butcher) to a brahmin sannyasin (monk). It occurs in the Vana Parva section of Mahabharata and is told to Yudhishthira, a Pandava by sage Markandeya. In the story, an arrogant sannyasin…

Annamalai Swami

Annamalai Swami was born in a tiny village called Tondankurichi in Tamil Nadu, India, in 1906. Soon after his birth, his father, who was an astrologer, came to the conclusion that the boy would become a sannyasin, a monk. To prevent this from happening his father decided to keep him illiterate by taking him out…

Shirdi Sai Baba’s Teachings : pt2

“There will never be any dearth or scarcity, regarding food and clothes, in any devotees’ homes. It is my special characteristic, that I always look to, and provide, for the welfare of those devotees, who worship Me whole-heartedly with their minds ever fixed on Me. Lord Krishna has also said the same in the Gita….

Shirdi Sai Baba’s Teachings : pt1

Dear readers, Shirdi Sai Baba had the unique way of imparting spiritual teachings to his ardent devotees. His teachings were knowingly given against the backdrop of a practical experience, a specific event or a divine blessing. If he wanted someone to see the presence of venerable life in all creatures, he would impart that teaching…

Punya Protects You Everytime

Doubt vs Faith The unfortunate fact about most of us is that as most educated minds are fed on the Cartesian principle of doubting everything, the logician’s axiom about insufficiency of individual cases to prove universal propositions and other similar doubts crop up over and over again. When 150 experiences of Baba’s help had been…

Gateway to Eternity – Shraddha and Saburi

Shirdi Sai Baba was the personification of Unity of God, Divine Love and Brotherhood of Man. He was against all barriers of caste, creed and religion against all persecution based on caste or religious orthodoxy. In his personal spiritual practice, Sai Baba observed both the Hindu and Muslim worship procedures. that was most prevalent then….

Sathya Sai Baba -Eight Flowers of Worship

It is the experience and practice of the inhabitants of India that they generally worship God with flowers, offer ritual adoration, and make obeisance to God. But there is something that is more sacred than this. There is a distinctive type of devotion by which you worship God with a good, clean mind and good…

Teachings of Satya Sai Baba – Ceiling on Desires

Desires Are the Root Cause of Man’s Disturbance All the spiritual practices that man performs aims at making his mind steady. There is no use in constantly repeating God’s name, meditating, and practicing spiritual austerities if the mind is not steady. Once you have the five senses under control, you can experience God. He is…

Lord Brahma

After giving long and hard thoughts on whether to tell this story or not and after a long time I got the nod from Swami upon asking him when he said, “Yes, go tell it”; here I am sharing this with you all. I do not wish to be known & prefer to stay anonymous….

Simple Advice, Difficult to Follow

On certain occasion, Baba gave Nana a lesson. Baba: “Nana, if anyone comes and begs for anything, give as much as you can or care to give. If that person be not satisfied and ask for more, refuse it courteously. Do not flare into a passion or parade ail your official authority” Nana promised to…

I am a Punkahwala

It was the hour when man, bird and beast were wrapped in sleep. Everything had melted in the thick darkness. The train was speeding along like a spangled snake, along the Sub – Himalayan jungle track. Dr. R turned in bed and opened his eyes, for there was a strange smell in the compartment, something…

Quotes of Sai Baba on Education

Living with God is education. Living for God is Service. Living in God is Realization. Unity is Divinity. Character is the most precious gift of education. True education is not for a mere living, but for a fuller and meaningful life. Virtue is the sign of the educated person.This is what makes education worthwhile. Education…

Bhimaji Patil’s Past Karmas

One Bhimaji Patil of Narayanagaon, Taluka Junnar, Dist. Poona, suffered in the year 1909 A.D. from a severe and chronic chest-disease which ultimately developed into Tuberculosis. He tried all sorts of remedies, but to no effect. Losing all hopes, he ultimately prayed to God – “Oh Lord Narayana, help me now”. It is a well…

Transmigration of Soul of a Devotee

Once Dadasaheb Khaparde came with his family and lived in Shirdi for some months. (The diary of his stay has been published in English in the Shri Sai Leela Magazine first Volume.) Dadasaheb was not an ordinary man. He was the richest and the most famous advocate of Amraoti (Berar) and was a member of…

2021 Calendar

Sai Ram Dear Friends. Happy New Year to You. You may download the calendar by clicking below link

How to develop patience in this mundane world

In the present Kali Age, the non-practice of patience is leading man to become revengeful, jealous and greedy. It has lead to a great chaos in society, and man is giving too much importance to his physical body. If a person has patience then he will be able to acquire all the other important qualities…

Baba Lives Everywhere

Baba had become one with every being in the world. Hence the service of any creature ultimately reached Baba. BREAD FOR BABA A lady living at Shirdi would daily bake two breads – one for Baba and another for herself. One day she was taking the bread for Baba when a dog approached her, licking…

Baba Summoned by Magistrate

In 1903, a man was allegedly charged of theft of some articles and was brought to court. The alleged accused told the sitting magistrate that the items were given to him by Shirdi Sai Baba. The said magistrate summoned Sai Baba to court to answer. A large number of devotees appealed to the sitting magistrate…

Story from Chandogya Upanisad

[Here is a story from the Chandogya Upanisad. Raikwa of the cart can be likened to Diogenes of the tub, the Greek philosopher who warned off the king from stand- ing between himself and the sun when the latter visited him. Both prized self-possession more than power and pelf. Their rich inner harmony and happiness…

Sadguru Upasni Maharaj of Sakori

Born in a Hindu Brahmin family at Satana near Nasik on 15th May 1870, Kashinath became Sadguru Upasni Maharaj with the divine grace of Shri Sadguru Narayan Maharaj of Kedgaon and Shri Sadguru Sai Baba of Shirdi. His father was Govind Shastri and mother Rukhminibai. His grandfather Gopal Shastri was a learned Pundit or a…

Param Poojya Shri. K. J. Bhishma

A Sanskrit scripture proclaim “Shateshu Jaayate Shooraha, Sahasreshucha Panditaha” meaning “Among hundred people who take birth, only one will be born as a Warrior and Among thousand people who take birth, only one will be born as a Pandit (Learned Person)”. Shri.Swami Krishnanand (Krishnarao Jageshwar Bhishma) was born like that one in thousands of Pandits….

Sai Saburi Magazine : Sep 2020

Dear friends, below is the link to our sub-blog/magazine page.

(Late) Kum. Maniamma – A Sai Devotee

(Late) Kum. MANIAMMA – An Advantage Sai Devotee Kum. Maniamma who was born on January 28th, 1931 was an ardent devotee of Sai Baba. She first visited Shirdi in the year 1940, at a time when Shirdi was not as famous as it is today and Shri. Narasimha Swamiji’s prachar was picking up steam. Kum….

Madhavrao Wamanrao Adkar (5/9/20-143rd Birth Anniversary)

Shri.Madhavarao Adkar is very popular and stands out amongst Sai Mahabhaktas. He spent most part of his life in the divine presence of Shri Sai Baba. The credit of writing the World famous Aarti of Shri Sai Baba “Aarti Sai Baba Saukhyadaatara Jeeva……” goes to him. He wrote this Aarti with the Grace, total inspiration…

Depression Healed by “A Small Bird”

It is frequently at a time of personal crisis that circumstances bring the unsuspecting person close to Sai Baba. Such was the case of a mother whose daughter was about to be married. The daughter was happy, healthy, and beautiful and the wedding seemed to promise continued happiness for all involved. But soon the mother…

Wisdom from Mahatma Gandhi

1) On believing in yourself or being different: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” 2) On humanity: “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. 3) On…

Teachings of Rumi – Simple yet Profound

Rumi was a 13th-century Persian poet, theologian, and Sufi mystic. Like other mystic and Sufi poets of Persian literature, Rumi’s poetry speaks of love which infuses the world. Rumi’s teachings also express the tenets summarized in the Quranic verse which Shams-e Tabrizi cited as the essence of prophetic guidance: “Know that ‘There is no god…

Sai Baba – The Eternal Charioteer Loves Those Who Obey Him

Sai Baba always treated all the devotees equally there was no distinction based on Caste or creed or money in the Darbar of Sai Baba. Saibaba also treated animals as equal. Sometimes He came in the form of animals to accept the food prepared by His devotees. Here is one such story wherein Baba came…

Sai Baba, The Eternal Charioteer As a Doctor

As a Unique Doctor Incident 1 Once, a lady devotee of Baba suffered from severe pain in her eyes. Doctors examined her and declared that even doctors abroad would not be able to help her. The husband brought her to Shirdi and every day he used to take her around Baba’s Samadhi. She promised to…

Sai Baba – The Eternal Charioteer : Love for Children

Sai loved children a lot. Though there are not many leelas in Sai Satcharitra regarding Baba’s love for Children, we can read many such leelas in “Life of Sai Baba, Devotees Experience of Sai Baba and also from Sai Leela Masik. Here is one such story as to how Sai Loved children. Shankar Haribhau Chaubal…

Sayings of Baba

Unless there is some relationship or connection, nobody goes anywhere. If any men or creatures come to you, do not discourteously drive them away, but receive them well and treat them with due respect. Shri Hari (God) will be certainly pleased if you give water to the thirsty, bread to the hungry, clothes to the…

Tiger’s Passing at Sai Baba’s Feet

Seven days before Baba passed away, a wonderful incident occurred at Shirdi. There came a country-cart and stopped in front of the Masjid. A tiger was on the cart, fastened with iron chains, with its fierce face turned to the rear. It was suffering from some pain or agony. Its keepers – three Derveshis –…

Gumani Becomes a True Devotee

At the foot of the Himalayas along the Gautam Ganga River lay the tiny village of Dyola. In this village there lived an illiterate farmer who was called Gumani. Gumani was a very pious person. His wife was expecting a child and after the birth of the child Gumani underwent a strange transformation. He lost…


There is no truth apart from the Guru. With complete faith, devotion and surrender to the Guru, one reaches the gateway to self-realisation. The divine Guru, by the application of the collyrium (eye lotion) of knowledge, opens the eyes of one blinded by the disease of ignorance. The Guru has almost become the accepted axiom…

Indict Sin and not Sinners

Mixture of good and bad energies provide a natural balance in the Universe. When we despise someone for committing a sin, we are adding to the hate. It is not wise to hate the sinner. The sinner is likely to be ignorant to the state of the karmic energies that their actions are producing. By…

श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 15

सभी भक्तों को गूरू पुर्णिमापर्व की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं। || श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नमःअथ श्री साईं ज्ञानेश्वरी नवम्‌ अध्याय: ||श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी’ का नवम्‌ अध्याय ‘फलश्रुति’ है। श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी’ श्री साई की प्रेरणा से रचित है,इस ग्रंथ के पढ़ने से श्री साईं का चित्र आँखों के सामने उभरता है।ग्रंथ का श्रद्धापूर्वक पारायण करने परयह मनवांछित…

श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 14

|| श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नमःअथ श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी अष्टम: अध्याय ||श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी’ का आठवाँ अध्याय “अर्चना, प्रार्थना एवं विनती’ है। व्यक्ति जब श्री साई के अनन्त ऐश्वर्य का अनुभव करता हैतो उसकी आँखें प्रेम के आँसुओं से छलक उठती हैं,वह भक्ति-भाव के साथ श्री साईं की अर्चना में संलग्न हो जाता है।उसके मन में…

Mr Clerk

Mr.Clerk was a Parsi gentleman who lived in Mumbai with his extended family. He first visited Shirdi in 1913. His elder brother was diagnosed with “lunacy” and was getting bouts of violent attacks. During these attacks, he was a threat to his aged mother, as he could not be restrained. Clerk though not affluent had…

श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 13

|| श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नमःअथ श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी सप्तम: अध्याय ||‘श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी’ का सातवाँ अध्याय “श्री साई का ऐश्वर्य’ है। श्री साई ने सगुण रूप में अवतार लेकरमानवता के हित के लिए जो कार्य किया,वह किसी सामान्य व्यक्ति के वश की बात नहीं।उसे सिर्फ वही कर सकता हैजिसमें अनन्त शक्ति हो, दिव्य क्षमता हो।…

श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 12

श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नमः |अथ श्री साईं ज्ञानेश्वरी षष्ठम्‌ अध्याय ||श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी का छठा अध्याय “ईश्वर का ऐश्वर्य’ है। वह जो सम्पूर्ण शक्ति, सम्पूर्ण यश, सम्पूर्ण धन, सम्पूर्ण ज्ञान, सम्पूर्ण सौन्दर्य एवं सम्पूर्ण त्यागआदि छ: प्रकार के ऐश्वर्य से पूर्ण है, वह ईश्वर है। ईश्वर के पास क्‍या नहीं है?सबका सृजनकर्ता तो वही है।ईश्वर…

श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 11

श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नमःअथ श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी पंचम: अध्याय: | | श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी का पंचम अध्याय ‘भगवदप्राप्ति’ है।भगवद्‌प्राप्ति का अभिप्राय है—आत्मा में परम-तत्व का अनुभव करना |यह असीम भगवद्भक्ति का फल है। भगवद्प्राप्ति कठिन है, असंभव नहीं |सद्‌गुरू भगवद्प्राप्ति की युक्ति जानते हैं,वे सिर्फ योग्य भक्त को इसका तरीका बताते हैं।सद्गुरू के आशीर्वाद से…

श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 10

।| श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नमःअथ श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी चतुर्थ अध्याय: | ।श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी का चतुर्थ अध्याय ‘भगवद्भक्ति’ है। ईश्वर के प्रति झुकाव एवं मन में ईश्वर के प्रति लगाव पैदा होना ही भगवद्भक्ति’ है।इस अध्याय में श्री साई के साथ उनके भक्तों के चार संवाद हैं ।श्री साई ने बताया है कि शुद्ध भक्ति…

Grace of Sainath

Once my faith increased on Sainath, I started chanting Sai naam continuously. I used to chant during cooking, walking or in my free time when I was not focused on Engineering studies (coding programs or solving Maths problems). I remember one student of MSc. from Mumbai she came to Bangalore to do her final year…

श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 9

|| श्री सद्गुरू साईनाथाय नम:अथ श्री साई ज्ञानेश्‍वरी तृतीय अध्याय: | | श्री साई ज्ञानेश्‍वरी का तृतीय अध्याय ‘दिव्य ज्ञान’ है |इस अध्याय दुसरा भाग में सद्गुरू श्री साई ने अपने परम भक्‍तश्री नाना साहब चांदोरकर को दिव्य ज्ञान प्रदान किया हे |सद्गुरू श्री साईनाथ महाराज ने चांदोरकर को बताया हे किईश्वर कौन है, वह…

Teachings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Silence Develops Love Silence is the only language of the realised. Practise moderation in speech. That will help you in many ways. It will develop love, for most misunderstandings and factions arise out of carelessly spoken words. When the foot slips, the wound can be healed; but when the tongue slips, the wound it causes…

श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 8

|| श्री सद्गुरू साईनाथाय नम:अथ श्री साई ज्ञानेश्‍वरी तृतीय अध्याय: | | श्री साई ज्ञानेश्‍वरी का तृतीय अध्याय ‘दिव्य ज्ञान’ है |इस अध्याय में सद्गुरू श्री साई ने अपने परम भक्‍त श्री नाना साहब चांदोरकर को दिव्य ज्ञान प्रदान किया हे |सद्गुरू श्री साईनाथ महाराज ने चांदोरकर को बताया हे कि ईश्वर कौन है, वह…


To very few is it given to hear about the AtmaMany more who hear of the Atma, do not understand.Wonderful is the person who speaks of it.Intelligent is the person who learns of it.Most blessed is he who hears itfrom a knowing teacher and understands it. The Katha Upanishad contains the story of the young…

Lesson to Narendra by Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna wanted to initiate his new pupil, Narendra, into Advaitha Vedanta (the teaching that all this is only the One) and so gave him several Advaitha treatises to read. But the earlier religious background of Narendra would not allow him to accept such teachings. He would rebel saying “It is blasphemy, there is no…

Kabeer Ke Dohe

कामी   क्रोधी  लालची , इनसे  भक्ति  ना  होए  | भक्ति  करे  कोई  सूरमा , जाती  वरण  कुल  खोय  || What kind of devotion can you expect from a man of sensual pleasures, anger or greed? The valiant person who leaves behind his family and caste can be a true devotee. बैद  मुआ  रोगी  मुआ ,…

Shri Ram : A Divine Incarnation

In the philosophical or theological context, an incarnation is manifestation of God upon earth in corporeal form, which can be that of a human being or any living being. As an incarnation, God lives upon earth, goes through the same lifecycle as other living beings to resolve some fundamental problems of existence. In a way…

Sai Baba is Lord Dattatreya: pt2

INCIDENT/EXPERIENCE 3 Balwant Khojokar was at Shirdi in 1911 on the occasion of holy Datta Jayanthi i.e., the day of Lord Dattatreya’s first manifestation as the son of Sage Atri and his wife Anasuya. Khojokar’s son writes about the incident that took place on that day; “At about 5 p.m. or so, Baba was seated…

Sai Baba is Lord Dattatreya: pt1

INCIDENT/EXPERIENCE 1 To the devotees of Lord Dattatreya, Sai Baba was Datta. Once two visitors came from Goa for Baba’s darshan. Baba asked one of them for Rs. 15/- as dakshina and the man gave it. The other man volunteered to offer Rs. 35/- but Baba did not accept it. Later Shama made bold to…

श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी – भाग 4

|| श्री सदगुरू साईनाथाय नम: ।।।। ज्ञान – प्रथम: अध्याय || भंडारे के रूप में भी अन्नदान किया जा सकता है।सामूहिक भंडारा कोई भी, कभी भी, अपनी इच्छा से कर सकता है।घर, जमीन, मकान, दुकान, संपत्ति, अनेक प्रतिष्ठान होने पर, अनुकूल समय चलने पर,मनवांछित इच्छा पूरी होने पर एक हजार व्यक्तियों को अन्नदान करें, या…

Teachings of Sai-Baba – Shower of Ambrosia, pt2

Shirdi Sai Baba was an epitome of Unity of God, Divine Love and Brotherhood of Man. He was against all barriers of caste, creed and religion against all persecution based on caste or religious orthodoxy. In his personal spiritual practice, Sai Baba observed both the Hindu and Muslim worship procedures. that was most prevalent then….

श्री साईं ज्ञानेश्वरी : भाग 2

भाग 2 वंदना गणनायक गणराज तुम, कहते तुम्हे गणेश | प्रथम वंदना आपको, किरपा करो अशेष || (विनायक) लिखते हैं जब ग्रंथ को, करके तुमको याद | मंगल सरिता काव्य की, करती कल-कल नाद।। (विनायक) माँ! तेरे आशीष से, वीणा में झंकार | वाणी का वरदान दो, गूँजे स्वर के तार।। (शारदे) बसकर मानस में…

श्री साईं ज्ञानेश्वरी

ऊँ सद्गुरू श्री साईनाथाय नम: भूमिका ‘श्री साई ज्ञानेश्वरी’ सदगुरू साईनाथ महाराज के दिव्य ज्ञान का एक अनमोल ग्रंथ है। इसमें जीवन का व्यावहारिक ज्ञान है। यह ज्ञान समसामयिक है और आज कं युग में दुनिया के लिए अत्यन्त उपयोगी है। इस ज्ञान में वह क्षमता है जो व्यक्ति के जीवन को सार्थकता प्रदान करता…

Baba’s Udi Blesses a Boy

I was working as an Engineer in Bangalore. I used to visit my parents in our native home almost every month or once in two months. Once during my visit, I got to know that nearby our home there was a sick boy and he was suffering due to certain illness & no one was…

Satchraritra Ch 1 – Baba keeps Epidemic Away

Salutations — The Story of Grinding Wheat and Its Philosophical Significance. According to the ancient and revered custom, Hemadpant begins the work, Sai Satcharitra, with various salutations.  First, he makes obeisance to the God Ganesha to remove all obstacles and make the work a success and says that Shri Sai is the God Ganesha.  Then, to…

Do what your heart tells you to do

In May 1972, Della Meridith was in a deep quandary. Her close friends who had been Sai Devotees for some time were planning a return trip to see Sai Baba. In her heart she felt a desperate longing to join them. But she could not do so because of lack of money for the plane…

From Nuclear Physicist to Musician

introduction A brilliant Indian student by the name of Vemu Mukunda had taken science courses at universities in India. Then he left his motherland to conduct postgraduate research in Scotland. He took a job in England working in nuclear science. Although outwardly he seemed to have successfully established himself in his chosen field, yet he…

Saint Blesses a Thief

For most of the day Sri Bhagavan (Ramana Maharshi) used to sit on his sofa, which was next to a window. Squirrels would occasionally come in through the window and run around near him. Sri Bhagavan would often respond to them by lovingly feeding them cashews or other foodstuffs with his own hand. One day…

Why everyone does not see God

Questions Most of the times the question which spiritual people face from others are: If there is God, why don’t you show that to me? Can you prove God to me? Will you be able to provide scientific evidence of soul’s existence? How can you prove the law of karma? People on spiritual path often…

What is the meaning of Shraddha and Saburi?

SHRADDHA It is difficult to translate Shraddha into English. The closest words which come to mind are – faith, belief, trust, or confidence in a person. When Sai-Baba advised us to have Shraddha; what He meant was to trust and believe in Baba being the boat that can help sail us across the ocean of…

Evil has no rigid place in God’s universe

Yogi Spencer received messages from Shirdi Sainath. Discourse No. 3 Life is a tussle between tear and smile. Don’t think of your tears but wipe the tears of others. Forgot your own sorrow but ever keep in mind the suffering of others. Kiss those who kick you, love those who hate you. Sweeten the path…

Lessons from reading Sai Satcharitra

Sai Satcharitra is a holy book. It helps devotees learn how Baba lived his simple life before he attained Mahasamadhi in 1918. Reading about Baba’s life helps devotees to learn how Baba inspired and transformed the thoughts, mind and character of the people. According to Sai Satcharitra, “If you hear Baba’s leelas daily, you will…

From Darkness into Light

Yogi Minocher K Spencer was a Parsi man born in Pune and moved to Karachi Pakistan. Rishi Ram Ram and later Shirdi Sai Baba gave him the spiritual guidance during meditations/astral guidance. Starting month of November 1952 to February in 1953, he received messages from Baba. In Yogi’s own words: From 3rd November 1952 to…

WE live if the NATURE around us lives

In just a few centuries with science and technology, humanity has moved from feeling largely at the mercy of the Creation to a world-view where we thought our power was limitless. We have searched the Earth for all its resources and let our population and societies expand without limit; while dumping our wastes and polluting…

We Are Out Of Oil

SaiRam dear friends, you must have read this story or event from the life of Baba for sure. However, it is always an amazing experience to read again and learn something new. Hope the story provides us with new learning & insights. The Maharaj used to go round and get oil from the grocers, with…

Sai Baba’s Sermons: part 2

After a few days Chandorkar Nana came to Shirdi again, he prostrated in front of Baba and clasped his feet. ‘Baba, please teach me what you promised to teach the last time I came here.’ Baba was pleased with Nana’s eagerness to learn. He said: Pay careful heed to my words. The destruction of the…

Sai-Baba’s Sermons

KARMIC EFFECTS Nanasaheb Chandorkar and Nimonkar, both Sai devotees, once went to Shirdi for Baba’s darshan. Nanasaheb fell at Baba’s feet and said: “O Sai Maharaj, I am sick and tired of this mundane life. The Shastras say that this world of ours is meaningless, an illusion. Help me. Oh, brother of the helpless, to…

A lawsuit for Appa

Appa Kulkarni of Shirdi was a great devotee of Sai Baba. He was once charged with embezzling government money, maybe because of his past karma. God alone knew whether the charges were true or false but people started whispering that Appa was a cheat. Appa was scared that he might be taken to court and…

The Greater Grief Pales Lesser Grief

When Dasaratha, the emperor died, there was no one at hand to perform the obsequies and so, they sent word to the two younger sons, Bharata and Satrughna, who had left for their kinsman’s capital. They were not informed of the death, and when they came and saw the body, they were too shocked at the inert silence of…

Bayaja Bai Ma

The moment Baba saw Bayaja Bai, he said, “She has been my sister for the last seven births”. When she met Baba as a young lad sitting under the neem tree, the parental feelings took her over as if Sai-Baba was her son. Mrs. Bayaja Patil showered love and cared for young Baba who abruptly…


Whenever you are able to surrender, the teacher will come. The teacher is there. Teachers have always been in existence. The world has never lacked teachers, it has always lacked disciples. But no teacher can begin anything unless someone surrenders. So whenever you have a moment to surrender, do not lose it. Even if you…

Let the world go topsy-turvy

Shirdi Sai Baba always used to say, “Let the world go topsy-turvy, you remain calm wherever you are”. My recent experience made me internalize this teaching from Sai Baba practically. In 2016, my father met with an accident and if he could walk somehow after that severe accident, it was all by the grace of…

Sainath – Our Saviour

The soil of Shirdi was blessed The advent of Lord Sai it witnessed He incarnated to eradicate the miseries of the human race And shower on them His Divine Love and Grace. Sai answered prayers and fulfilled the desires of mankind Their Spiritual Upliftment was always in His mind. He had respect all faiths and…

Materializing a Palace in the Himalayas

“Babaji’s first meeting with Lahiri Mahasaya is an enthralling story, and one of the few which gives us a detailed glimpse of the deathless guru.” // The transfer at workplace My first meeting with Babaji took place in my thirty-third year,” Lahiri Mahasaya had said. “In the autumn of 1861, I was stationed in Danapur…

Shirdi Sai Devotee – Sri Narayan Asram

Sri Narayan Asram. Dady Agiary St., BOMBAY. Sanyasi and Disciple Of Vedasrama Swami (Taraka Mutt, Durgaghat, Kashi), Residing At Vaman Muth, Gangapuri Wai, (Satara District), Aged 58, 23rd SEPT. 1936 I knew Sai Baba, i.e., heard the name and the greatness of Sai Baba in 1910 from Das Ganu Maharaj’s kirtana. I asked him, “Is…

Sai Saburi Magazine Volume 6 : January 2020 Edition

Sai Ram dear friends, you may find below the latest edition of the spiritual magazine – Sai Saburi for the month of January 2020. Dedicated to spirituality and all the Gurus of the world, this volume will provide food for the seeking souls. May you all be happier, prosperous & peaceful in the times ahead….

The Nazarene

~As we grow nearer to the day in which Jesus the Christ is celebrated by all Christians around the world, I felt it more appropriate to offer this reading given by the late Mrs Peggy Mason, of England, a devout devotee of Sathya Sai Baba in whom I believe many would know of~ Christmastide is…

Abdullah Jan : Sai Baba’s devotee

Originally Of Tarbella, Hazara District, Near Peshawar, Muhammadan, Pathan, Living For Years At Korhale Near Sakori, Aged 40, Shirdi, 5th November, 1936. I had left Tarbella when I was quite a boy. I had none to support me and I wished to go abroad and see Mecca, etc. So I travelled down south to Manmad….

Chandrabai : Baba’s Devotee

Chandrabai: aged 66, wife of late Ramachandra Borkar, Ville Parle, 1936. I am a worshipper of Sai Baba for the last 44 years or so. Blessed & fortunate to see Baba for first time at Shirdi 20 years before his Mahasamadhi. I still retain a good quantity of the udhi which he gave me each…

Radhakrishna Mayee

Original name of Radhakrishna Mai was Sundari Bai Kshirsagar. In 1899 A.D. Sundari Bai Kshirasagar turned 17 years of age and she got married to one Sri.Daithankar and was hence called by the name “Sundari Bai Dahitankar”. Due to fate, the husband of Sundaribai Kshirsagar passed away on the eighth day of the marriage. This…

New Promise for The New Year

With the advent of the New Year, most of us introspect about the lessons learnt from the past and the path to be traversed for becoming a better human being through constant physical, mental and spiritual growth. We analyse our shortcomings and visualise means to overcome them and contribute our best for the upliftment of…

Surrender to the Guru -The Stairway to Salvation

There is a complete identity between the Guru and truth. There is no truth apart from the Guru. With complete faith, devotion and surrender to the Guru path of truth and self-realisation. It is said that the divine Guru, by the application of the collyrium of knowledge, opens the eyes of one blinded by the…

Matri Vani

I realized that about 7 years back I had wanted to create a spiritual magazine just dedicated to Anandamayi Ma. I was very drawn to Ma when I had read about her & experiences of devotees. The simple yet most profound teachings of Ma make its way straight into the hearts of people. Please feel…

Love, What It Is

If you have read the book “the road less travelled”, you must have read the chapter on love by Scott Peck. His definition of love is very beautiful. What does love mean according to him? Love is not a feeling; it is an activity and an investment. Love is the will or desire to extend…

Are You A Thief?

Bodhidharma was the first Buddhist monk to go to China. He was the honoured guest of King Wu who ruled over a fairly big state in China. The king was astonished to see the high acumen for judging situations in their correct perspective of Bodhidharma. He decided to appoint him as a judge in his…


Once a rich man was passing through a forest, when three robbers surrounded him and robbed him of all his wealth. After snatching all his possessions from him, one of the robbers said: ‘What’s the good of keeping the man alive? Kill him.‘ Saying this, he was about to strike their victim with his sword,…

Story of Elephant God

In a forest, there lived a holy man who had many disciples. One day he taught them to see God in all beings and, knowing this, to bow low before them all. A disciple went to the forest to gather wood for the sacrificial fire. Suddenly he heard an outcry: ‘Get out of the way!…


Before I begin I would like to make clear to the reader something very definite about the rising of kundalini. I would like to state that I am ‘no’ expert on such matters and only want to share a small portion of what ‘I’ have experienced. I believe humanity is on the cusp of a…

Saburi : Hindi Poem

साई का आशीर्वाद हूँ मैं सबुरी नामक एक वरदान हूँ मैं | गहन निशा में कहीं दूर नजर आती चमकीली आशा की रश्मि हूँ मैं | अनंत समय के गवाह ध्रुव तारे की तरह अविनाशी अविस्मृत सत्य हूँ मैं | कभी मूर्त और संगठित और कभी मृग तृष्णा की तरह अक्सर तुम्हारे विचारों में व्याप्त…

Sai-Saburi Magazine, October 2019

Dear readers, on Sai-Baba day or Guruvar (Thursday), We are happy to bring to you latest edition of Sai-Saburi Magazine. Om Sai Ram. Volume 3 : October 2019 Edition Please click on above link to see the magazine.

Can Tea without sugar take you to Shirdi?

Dasganu was once performing his Kirtan and singing the glory of Sai Baba, in the Koupineshwar temple in Thana. One Mr. Cholkar, a poor man serving as a candidate in the Civil Courts in Thana, was amongst the audience. He heard Dasganu’s Kirtan most attentively and was much moved. He there and then mentally bowed…

Homa Bird

The Vedas speak of the Homa bird. It lives very high in the sky. There the mother bird lays her egg. She lives so high that the egg falls for many days. While falling it is hatched. The chick continues to fall. That also goes on for many days. In the meantime the chick develops…

Offer your talents to Sai-Baba

Dear friends of Sai-Family, Are you looking for an opportunity to offer your talents to Sai Baba. is providing opportunities to interested people to offer their service/talent to Baba in below ways: Sai-Saburi Magazine design & layout: As you know SAI-SABURI is our free magazine and is slowly becoming popular and part of lives…

See ME in 1926

Shirdi Sai Baba conferred His grace abundantly to everyone who sought His grace with purity of heart and selfless devotion. Mataji Krishna Priya was one such a devotee. She lived in Nagpur and she used to worship Krishna and considered Shirdi Sai Baba as another form of Krishna. She frequently visited Shirdi to seek Baba’s…

DOOR LOCKED : Story from Sai Satcharitra

Mr. Ramachandra Atmaran alias Babasaheb Tarkhad, formerly a Prarthana-Samajist, was a staunch devotee of Sai Baba. His wife and son loved Baba equally or perhaps more. It was once proposed that Master Tarkhad should go with his mother to Shirdi and spend his May vacation there. But the son was unwilling to go. He thought…

What is in your heart ?

Once upon a time, there were two friends. One day they were going along a street when they saw some people listening to a reading of the Bhagavata Katha. “Come, friend,” said the one to the other, “let us hear the sacred book.” So saying he went in and sat down. The second man peeped…

Was it Baba who came to my rescue?

I am sharing my experience about how lovely and great it is to be a devotee of Shree Sai Baba. In the first week of September 2018, I went to char dham along with my parents, family and friends. While going to Yamunotri, we all were quite excited.  We were a party of twelve people….


Here’s a short story readers may enjoy. At the same time be ‘amazed’ at how those in higher levels do work together for the betterment of us here on earth. Back in 2012 while sitting in meditation I was given a most incredibly beautiful vision. My inner-eye immediately opened with great clarity in seeing empty…

God’s or Baba’s Compassion

I was invited to sit with a group of people in a friend’s home one night back in 1993 (satsang). The meeting was to hold a talk on Sathya Sai Baba, One of the main topics was to discuss in-depth that of his healing miracles. Sitting in the group was a woman with advanced lung…

Swami Answers A Cry for Help !

I will never forget the interview we had with Sathya Sai Baba along with an Indian family back in 2004 when in Prashanti Nilayam. Swami called my brother and me in for an interview along with an Indian family. The family consisted of husband and wife, their son who would have been in his twenties,…

My Son merged with Sai Baba

A mother pours her heart out how she found solace by understanding Baba’s messages in her life. It is a little longer than a usual article. A blessing to read this. The hit and run accident and on the spot passing over of my 18-year-old son, Ritik (Honey) on the year 2007 valentine’s day at…

Conversation with Shirdi Sai Baba

Sai Baba of Shirdi did not write any books. All that is available to us is records of a number of conversations between him and his devotees preserved in various biographical accounts. The following is a conversation which a devotee, Nana Govind Chandorkar, a Deputy Collector who was a traditionally well read orthodox person, had…

“The Teachings of the Epic Mahabharata”

Before the Mahabharata War, India was at its pinnacle of opulence and glory. However, with the advent of circumstances leading to the Mahabharata War, there was an unprecedented decline in righteousness, morality, ethics and brotherhood of humanity which had such an adverse effect that humanity could never recovered from the disaster of the war. It…

Alongwith Sai

I want to share my experience to show that God is always with us to support and show us the way. Be patient and have faith in God, everything will be good over time. When we came to Canada , it was peak recession time. Almost everyone around was losing the jobs they had. And…

Vision of Lord Krishna

I have been pondering on what experience next should I unveil. It is then that suddenly I opened a hard cover writing pad. I had kept in a drawer in my office. I had purchased this in the Prashanti Nilayam ashram shopping center back in June 2010. Had kept it as a diary of the…

सदगुरु साईं तेरे चरणों को सब गुरु महानो का समझकर….

धन्य धन्य है गुरु पुर्णिमा का पर्व । सभी गुरु महानो को अभिनन्दन समर्पित करने का पर्व । करते हैं सभी महापुरुषों को वन्दना एवं आराधना । उनमे हम है करते साई की उपासना । सदगुरु साईं का प्यार अपरमपार । मिलता ज्ञान का अमृत, जो भक्त आते उसके द्वार । मांगने से पहले देता…

Gayathri Mantra

I am sure some people would like to know more about the ‘Gayathri Mantra’ in what it can and does able one to achieve through the grace of God, (IF), one adheres to it that is. But of course, there is much more to this mantra than just the reciting, as one must know the…

Sai Saburi Magazine : Vol 1

You can click on below picture to go to the web-page hosting magazine. The magazine can be read on the web-page or you could download by clicking the download link on the web-page.

Old Habits Die Hard

There was an old woman who was a seller of oil by profession. In her ninety years of human existence she did nothing except selling oil. When her life was to end, and she was about to die, all her relatives assembled around her. Looking at them the woman said, “You are all here, I…

How To Join This Website

New to this site? Want to know how to post your articles to this site? Please read on. 1: First of all you need to register to the website. You may find Register option at the top of the Main Page as shown below. If you have any issues while registering send an email to…


I would like to share two wonderful experiences that occurred on separate occasions while in meditation. The first was on the 4th of June 2015 and the second was on the 7th June 2015. But first, and just briefly, I would like to mention “St. Michael“, better known as Archangel Michael. My first encounter with…

Come & Join Us

Dear Friends, Saisaburi is looking for enthusiastic people who can join our team. People who can be part of the team and work for one or other aspects of website. There is no need for academic qualification. The qualifiers are: Your earnest desire to offer your talent at Lotus feet of God/Guru on voluntary…


A precious necklace was seen flashing from the bottom of a lake. Many felt tempted to recover the valuable ornament and dived deep into the water for it, but found no necklace anywhere. Yet it was clearly visible to everyone from the edge of the lake. They were all puzzled. Eventually they realized that there…


Once Shirdi was indeed a remote location Where farming was the main vocation. Soon there came a surprise It became a holy paradise It witnessed the Advent of the Divine The name of Sai shall always shine. His ways and miracles created a curiosity How lamps without oil were lit by the Universal Luminosity. He…


SAI – THE ETERNAL CHARIOTEER Sai is the Inner Ruler of all Creation, He is always with us in any situation,  Removing the cobwebs of bondage, To encrypt His Name on Life’s Page. His ways are mysterious, His concern for mankind is serious, His incredible lessons are a boon, In taming our ego to free…

God is Guest

A while back I came across a beautiful story told by Osho. However much controversial Osho was in the eyes of many a people; the fact is that much of his writing when taken from perspective of growth and opportunity to learn are very valuable. The writings are unique in the way they approach certain…

Chuang Tzu’s writings

Chuang Tzu was a TAO mystic. His writings contain great wisdom. I am sure you will like reading some of his work. Love & Light to you !! The Useless Hui Tzu said to Chuang Tzu:“All you teaching is centered on what has no use.” Chuang Tzu replied:“If you have no appreciation for what has…

ये फुल पत्ता

ये फूल पत्ते साई नाम जप रहे हैं, पक्षी भी जप रहे हैं, साथ इनके सारा संसार साई नाम जप रहा है ।। साथ इनके सारा संसार साई नाम जप रहा है ।। ये फूल पत्ते साई नाम जप रहे हैं, पक्षी भी जप रहे हैं, साथ इनके सारा संसार साई नाम जप रहा है…

A Hero Named Jinx

Once upon a time, there was a very rich man who was well known for wholesomeness. He had a good friend who had the somewhat strange name, Jinx. They had been the best of friends ever since they were little children making mud-pies together. They had gone to the same schools and helped each other…

Merchant’s Caravan

Read a story and wanted to share its essence with everyone. Hope you like it. Sai Ram. Long long ago, there was a merchant and he was travelling with his caravan through a dense forest. Merchant had cautioned all his fellow travelers to not do anything without asking him first. That included going off the…

हे दुःख भन्जन, शील्दी संतन…

जय श्री साईं श्री साईं राम श्री साईं राम हे दुःख भन्जन, शील्दी संतन, सुन लो मेरी पुकार शांति स्वरूप विनती बारम्बार अपरम्पार है शक्ति शिर्डि वासी, तुम पर रीझे पंडरपुर हरि भक्ति भाव से ध्याऊं तोहे, कर दुखों से पार शांति स्वरूप विनती बारम्बार शांति स्वरूप विनती बारम्बार हे दुःख भन्जन, शील्दी संतन, सुन…

साईं नाम जप सुकून मिलता है, कोई जपके देखले ।

साईं नाम जप सुकून मिलता है, कोई जपके देखले । आ जाते हैं साईं कोई बुलाके देखले । साईं नाम जप सुकून मिलता है, कोई जपके देखले । जैसे सोचा मन में गुरु को, वैसा ही पाया । शिर्डी सुत वापस लौटे, बैझा ने बेटा पाया । रोटी वो माँ बैझा खिलाये जैसे उसे खिलके…

श्री सदगुरू साईनाथ कीर्ति माला।

दोहाश्रध्दा सबुरी सिकाई शिर्डी सूत, जानत सकल जहान | धन्य-धन्य सत्गुरु देवा, संकट हर साईं महान || १ श्री सदगुरू साईंनाथ कीर्ति गान । श्री गणनायक बुद्धि प्रदायक । साईं सत्चरित्र सूनाने कृपा करें देवा ।। ऊँ साईं श्री साईं जय जय साईं । ऊँ साईं श्री साईं जय जय साईं ।। श्री साईं साक्षात…

Quest For God

It’s a poem by Swami Vivekananda. Hope you all like reading it. Quest for happiness, knowledge about meaning of life, desire to be ultimate or witness entity called God is everyone’s desire. Isn’t it? O’ver hill and dale and mountain range, In temple, church, and mosque, In Vedas, Bible, Al Koran I had searched for…

Journey towards You : Pt 2

The part numbers indicate the order of writing and does not correlate with the chronological order of events and experiences. It was the second year of engineering, and in our college, we had to change our hostel rooms at the end of every year. Every room of a building had a unique address. After I…

Journey towards You : Pt 1

Writing about one’s own self is a pretty difficult task. Strange, isn’t it? We can write volumes about others yet always fall short of efforts to write about our own selves. The idea here is to just share some of my own personal experiences with you all. I would like this website a tool for…

साईं तेरा शिर्डी इस जग से न्यारा है ।

सांई तेरा शिर्डी इस जग से न्यारा है हम ना जाएंगे कहीं और यहीं अब रहना है ।  तेरे शिर्डि की हर बात निराली है दिन बर भक्तों की होली है रात पाल्की सवारी है बस प्रेम के दीपक से सब कुछ उजियारा है ।  हर लता पता भी सांई तेरा नाम ही जपती है मीठी नीम की…

Angry Chandkaushik

Anger is a very strong emotion. All of us have felt the pangs of anger in various degrees at some or other times. I remember reading somewhere that anger and fear are deeply related. We carry various types of fears too inside us. Wish we all can overcome them slowly. Today’s is Mahavir Jayanti. Bhagwan…

Swami Somadeva’s Aversion

Bhaiji, brother of Kakasaheb Dixit was staying at Nagpur. When he had gone to the Himalayas in 1906, he made an acquaintance with one Somadeva Swami of Haradwar at Uttar-Kashi down the Gangotri Valley. Both took down each other’s names in their diaries. Five years afterwards, Somadeva Swami came to Nagpur and was Bhaiji’s guest….

Maid Servant demonstrates meaning of Upanishad

Das Ganu once started to write a commentary on the Ishavasya Upanishad. He translated it verse by verse into the Marathi language. But he did not comprehend the gist of it and so was not satisfied with his performance. He, therefore, consulted some learned men regarding his doubts and difficulties and discussed with them at…


I had read this story in Hindi when i was a little child. My grandfather used to have several Hindi books in his room. Most of them were religious books on Jainism and few of them were story books too. Through these stories, some of which were real incidents from history, many valuable lessons of…

Churn of the Ocean

In Hindu Mythology there is a story in which Gods and Demons work together. to churn the Ocean in hope of getting precious Treasures. During Churning of oceans first Poison came out which threaten to contaminate every thing. Then Lord Shiva Drank that poison and saved them from the disaster. After the poison, Lakshmi (Goddess of…


Once a man entered a wood and saw a small animal on a tree. He came back and told another man that he had seen a creature of a beautiful red colour on a certain tree. The second man replied: ‘When I went into the wood, I also saw that animal. But why do you…


Osho : It happened in Upanishadic days that one young boy, Svetaketu, was sent by his father to a gurukul, to a family of an enlightened master, to learn. He learned everything that could be learned, he memorized all the Vedas and all the science available in those days. He became proficient in them, he…

Sai-Baba’s story by Osho

It happened: One of the most beautiful persons of this past century was Sai Baba of Shirdi. He had a friend and a follower. Sai Baba was a Mohammedan. Or no one knows whether he was a Mohammedan or a Hindu, but he lived in a mosque, so it was believed he was a Mohammedan….

Lao Tzu Quotes and Sayings

My words are easy to understand and easy to put into practice. Yet no one under heaven understands them or puts them into practice. Greatness has its source in the little. The low is the foundation of the high. Develop the strength of a man, but live as gently as a woman. If the people…

Meher Baba Quotes

What happened yesterday? Nothing. What will happen tomorrow? Nothing. All happens now . . . the eternal NOW from the beginningless beginning to the endless end.  Divine desperateness is the beginning of spiritual awakening because it gives rise to the aspiration for God-realisation.  True love is no game of the faint-hearted and the weak; it…

Parable of the two friends

Sri Ramakrishna: ” ‘As is a man’s feeling of love, so is his gain.’ Once two friends were going along the street, when they saw some people listening to a reading of the Bhagavata. ‘Come, friend’, said the one to the other. ‘Let us hear the sacred book.’ So saying he went in and sat down….

Suicide Thwarted

Mr. Gopal Narayan Ambadekar of Poona was a devotee of Baba. He served for ten years in the Abkari department, from where he had to retire. He tried to get some other job, but he did not succeed. He was overtaken by other calamities and his condition grew from bad to worse. He passed 7…

The Parable of Jatila and Madhusudhan

A story by Ramakrishna Paramhansa. In a village in India, there was once a little boy whose name was Jatila. Jatila’s mother was a widow and had no one to help her. She earned a little money by spinning yarn. She and Jatila always had just enough to eat, but they were very poor. Every…

My Play Is Done

My formative years of school were in Ramakrishna Mission in a beautiful setting of nature; in a valley called Along then and Aalo now. When you are growing up and if you read Vivekananda, it is as if the writing is meant just for you. I really loved reading his books and while he gave…

Sai Baba’s mercy on Bhimaji Patil

One Bhimaji Patil of Narayanagaon, Taluka Junnar, Dist. Poona, suffered in the year 1909 A.D. from a severe and chronic chest-disease which ultimately developed into Tuberculosis. He tried all sorts of pathos (remedies), but to no effect. Losing all hopes, he ultimately prayed to God – “Oh Lord Narayana, help me now”. It is a…