Dear friends of Sai-Family,
Are you looking for an opportunity to offer your talents to Sai Baba. is providing opportunities to interested people to offer their service/talent to Baba in below ways:
Sai-Saburi Magazine design & layout: As you know SAI-SABURI is our free magazine and is slowly becoming popular and part of lives of many people. If you can help designing its cover page, can add pictures & do layouts of the magazine and can create a PDF, please let us know. You can look at the previous two editions of the magazine here: Expectation is that you can help in our magazine which we aim to bring at least once in 2 months.
Facebook Promotions: We have couple of facebook pages & also a group. We also share links of various articles from our website on about 40-50 facebook groups. We need admins/moderators who can take charge of our facebook profile and share links of articles from our website on various other facebook groups and our own pages & group. Expected involvement: About 5-10 minutes whenever you feel like.
Content Incharge: You can see that admin on the website regularly reads and creates articles on the website. There are many other people who have also submitted their own real life experiences on the website. If you want to help in the content creation, you should be someone who likes to read spiritual stuff online or offline and can help in creating interesting and useful articles. If you are someone who also likes to write, that is an added advantage too.
Please feel free to email on EDITOR@SAISABURI.ORG for any question, comment or suggestions. Om Sai Ram. Baba bless you. Thank you for reading this long post.