Evil has no rigid place in God’s universe

Yogi Spencer received messages from Shirdi Sainath. Discourse No. 3 Life is a tussle between tear and smile. Don’t think of your tears but wipe the tears of others. Forgot your own sorrow but ever keep in mind the suffering of others. Kiss those who kick you, love those who hate you. Sweeten the path…

From Darkness into Light

Yogi Minocher K Spencer was a Parsi man born in Pune and moved to Karachi Pakistan. Rishi Ram Ram and later Shirdi Sai Baba gave him the spiritual guidance during meditations/astral guidance. Starting month of November 1952 to February in 1953, he received messages from Baba. In Yogi’s own words: From 3rd November 1952 to…

Practice Makes Perfect

Once when I was teaching about life and death a swami quietly came in and sat with my students. I thought he was a beginner, so I treated him as I treated the others. While the others were carefully taking notes, he only smiled, and that annoyed me. I finally asked, “Are you listening to…

The Greater Grief Pales Lesser Grief

When Dasaratha, the emperor died, there was no one at hand to perform the obsequies and so, they sent word to the two younger sons, Bharata and Satrughna, who had left for their kinsman’s capital. They were not informed of the death, and when they came and saw the body, they were too shocked at the inert silence of…

Baba Fed Sumptuously, HOW?

Once, Mrs. Tarkhad from Mumbai was staying in a certain house in Shirdi. At noon, meals were ready and were being served, when a hungry dog turned up there and began to bark. Mrs. Tarkhad got up at once and threw a piece of bread which the dog gulped with great relish! In the afternoon,…