Love, What It Is

If you have read the book “the road less travelled”, you must have read the chapter on love by Scott Peck. His definition of love is very beautiful. What does love mean according to him? Love is not a feeling; it is an activity and an investment. Love is the will or desire to extend…


Lord Adisesha is a Serpent king with one-thousand hoods and Lord Vishnu is supposed to sleep on his coils. Once he had a terrific stomach ache. He got prescriptions and Ayurvedic medicines from various top specialists in Ayurveda. Two years passed but there was no relief from his pain. He got disgusted with Ayurveda. As…

Are You A Thief?

Bodhidharma was the first Buddhist monk to go to China. He was the honoured guest of King Wu who ruled over a fairly big state in China. The king was astonished to see the high acumen for judging situations in their correct perspective of Bodhidharma. He decided to appoint him as a judge in his…


Once a rich man was passing through a forest, when three robbers surrounded him and robbed him of all his wealth. After snatching all his possessions from him, one of the robbers said: ‘What’s the good of keeping the man alive? Kill him.‘ Saying this, he was about to strike their victim with his sword,…

Story of Elephant God

In a forest, there lived a holy man who had many disciples. One day he taught them to see God in all beings and, knowing this, to bow low before them all. A disciple went to the forest to gather wood for the sacrificial fire. Suddenly he heard an outcry: ‘Get out of the way!…


Before I begin I would like to make clear to the reader something very definite about the rising of kundalini. I would like to state that I am ‘no’ expert on such matters and only want to share a small portion of what ‘I’ have experienced. I believe humanity is on the cusp of a…

What do you understand by Saburi

Most people who have heard about Shirdi Sai Baba would have certainly come across this term “Saburi”. It is hard to miss Saburi being said in the same breath as Shradha. The literal meaning of Saburi is patience. Every word told by realized saints is potent and is very powerful. There is always an obvious…

Why do you shout in anger

Read this story over internet and really liked it. Cannot reproduce the story verbatim, would try to recall it from memory and reproduce here for the benefit of everyone. Once upon a time, there was a saint who was living on the banks of river Ganga. Many people used to come to the river ghat…

Saburi : Hindi Poem

साई का आशीर्वाद हूँ मैं सबुरी नामक एक वरदान हूँ मैं | गहन निशा में कहीं दूर नजर आती चमकीली आशा की रश्मि हूँ मैं | अनंत समय के गवाह ध्रुव तारे की तरह अविनाशी अविस्मृत सत्य हूँ मैं | कभी मूर्त और संगठित और कभी मृग तृष्णा की तरह अक्सर तुम्हारे विचारों में व्याप्त…