श्री दासगणु महाराज कि रचना – गुरुपठ अभंग

गुरुपाठ के भजन – हिन्दी अनुवाद अनुवादक – श्रीमती नम्रता बडगे – श्री टिआर माधवन ऊँ साईराम। मैं नम्रता बडगे और श्री टिआर माधवनजी ने मिलकर श्री दासगणु महाराज कि मुल मराठी रचना गुरुपाठ अभंग ओवियोँ को हिन्दी में अनुवाद किया है। साई भक्तों से कासकर जो मराठी भाषा जानते हैं निवेदन है कि इन…

Baba’s Udi Blesses a Boy

I was working as an Engineer in Bangalore. I used to visit my parents in our native home almost every month or once in two months. Once during my visit, I got to know that nearby our home there was a sick boy and he was suffering due to certain illness & no one was…

The Prankster

As always, I document my experiences as soon as possible so as to not forget anything. This experience, or should I say “Leela”, occurred on Tuesday the 22nd of May 2018 at 5:40 pm. I went to my bedroom and closed the door so I could lay on my bed and talk to a friend…

Sai Baba in my Dreams

Crushing the fear For a long time in my life, I suffered from nightmares. These nightmares had a common theme. I used to see a dark figure which would show up in my ancestral home; either in the vacant land available or the unused cow-shed (cows were there as long as my grandmother was there…


A precious necklace was seen flashing from the bottom of a lake. Many felt tempted to recover the valuable ornament and dived deep into the water for it, but found no necklace anywhere. Yet it was clearly visible to everyone from the edge of the lake. They were all puzzled. Eventually they realized that there…

ये फुल पत्ता

ये फूल पत्ते साई नाम जप रहे हैं, पक्षी भी जप रहे हैं, साथ इनके सारा संसार साई नाम जप रहा है ।। साथ इनके सारा संसार साई नाम जप रहा है ।। ये फूल पत्ते साई नाम जप रहे हैं, पक्षी भी जप रहे हैं, साथ इनके सारा संसार साई नाम जप रहा है…

हे दुःख भन्जन, शील्दी संतन…

जय श्री साईं श्री साईं राम श्री साईं राम हे दुःख भन्जन, शील्दी संतन, सुन लो मेरी पुकार शांति स्वरूप विनती बारम्बार अपरम्पार है शक्ति शिर्डि वासी, तुम पर रीझे पंडरपुर हरि भक्ति भाव से ध्याऊं तोहे, कर दुखों से पार शांति स्वरूप विनती बारम्बार शांति स्वरूप विनती बारम्बार हे दुःख भन्जन, शील्दी संतन, सुन…