Gateway to Eternity – Shraddha and Saburi

Shirdi Sai Baba was the personification of Unity of God, Divine Love and Brotherhood of Man. He was against all barriers of caste, creed and religion against all persecution based on caste or religious orthodoxy. In his personal spiritual practice, Sai Baba observed both the Hindu and Muslim worship procedures. that was most prevalent then….

Sathya Sai Baba -Eight Flowers of Worship

It is the experience and practice of the inhabitants of India that they generally worship God with flowers, offer ritual adoration, and make obeisance to God. But there is something that is more sacred than this. There is a distinctive type of devotion by which you worship God with a good, clean mind and good…

Teachings of Satya Sai Baba – Ceiling on Desires

Desires Are the Root Cause of Man’s Disturbance All the spiritual practices that man performs aims at making his mind steady. There is no use in constantly repeating God’s name, meditating, and practicing spiritual austerities if the mind is not steady. Once you have the five senses under control, you can experience God. He is…

Quotes of Sai Baba on Education

Living with God is education. Living for God is Service. Living in God is Realization. Unity is Divinity. Character is the most precious gift of education. True education is not for a mere living, but for a fuller and meaningful life. Virtue is the sign of the educated person.This is what makes education worthwhile. Education…

How to develop patience in this mundane world

In the present Kali Age, the non-practice of patience is leading man to become revengeful, jealous and greedy. It has lead to a great chaos in society, and man is giving too much importance to his physical body. If a person has patience then he will be able to acquire all the other important qualities…

Baba Lives Everywhere

Baba had become one with every being in the world. Hence the service of any creature ultimately reached Baba. BREAD FOR BABA A lady living at Shirdi would daily bake two breads – one for Baba and another for herself. One day she was taking the bread for Baba when a dog approached her, licking…

Baba Summoned by Magistrate

In 1903, a man was allegedly charged of theft of some articles and was brought to court. The alleged accused told the sitting magistrate that the items were given to him by Shirdi Sai Baba. The said magistrate summoned Sai Baba to court to answer. A large number of devotees appealed to the sitting magistrate…

Wisdom from Mahatma Gandhi

1) On believing in yourself or being different: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” 2) On humanity: “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. 3) On…

Teachings of Rumi – Simple yet Profound

Rumi was a 13th-century Persian poet, theologian, and Sufi mystic. Like other mystic and Sufi poets of Persian literature, Rumi’s poetry speaks of love which infuses the world. Rumi’s teachings also express the tenets summarized in the Quranic verse which Shams-e Tabrizi cited as the essence of prophetic guidance: “Know that ‘There is no god…

Sai Baba – The Eternal Charioteer Loves Those Who Obey Him

Sai Baba always treated all the devotees equally there was no distinction based on Caste or creed or money in the Darbar of Sai Baba. Saibaba also treated animals as equal. Sometimes He came in the form of animals to accept the food prepared by His devotees. Here is one such story wherein Baba came…

Sai Baba, The Eternal Charioteer As a Doctor

As a Unique Doctor Incident 1 Once, a lady devotee of Baba suffered from severe pain in her eyes. Doctors examined her and declared that even doctors abroad would not be able to help her. The husband brought her to Shirdi and every day he used to take her around Baba’s Samadhi. She promised to…

Sai Baba – The Eternal Charioteer : Love for Children

Sai loved children a lot. Though there are not many leelas in Sai Satcharitra regarding Baba’s love for Children, we can read many such leelas in “Life of Sai Baba, Devotees Experience of Sai Baba and also from Sai Leela Masik. Here is one such story as to how Sai Loved children. Shankar Haribhau Chaubal…


There is no truth apart from the Guru. With complete faith, devotion and surrender to the Guru, one reaches the gateway to self-realisation. The divine Guru, by the application of the collyrium (eye lotion) of knowledge, opens the eyes of one blinded by the disease of ignorance. The Guru has almost become the accepted axiom…

Indict Sin and not Sinners

Mixture of good and bad energies provide a natural balance in the Universe. When we despise someone for committing a sin, we are adding to the hate. It is not wise to hate the sinner. The sinner is likely to be ignorant to the state of the karmic energies that their actions are producing. By…

Teachings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Silence Develops Love Silence is the only language of the realised. Practise moderation in speech. That will help you in many ways. It will develop love, for most misunderstandings and factions arise out of carelessly spoken words. When the foot slips, the wound can be healed; but when the tongue slips, the wound it causes…

Shri Ram : A Divine Incarnation

In the philosophical or theological context, an incarnation is manifestation of God upon earth in corporeal form, which can be that of a human being or any living being. As an incarnation, God lives upon earth, goes through the same lifecycle as other living beings to resolve some fundamental problems of existence. In a way…

Teachings of Sai-Baba – Shower of Ambrosia, pt2

Shirdi Sai Baba was an epitome of Unity of God, Divine Love and Brotherhood of Man. He was against all barriers of caste, creed and religion against all persecution based on caste or religious orthodoxy. In his personal spiritual practice, Sai Baba observed both the Hindu and Muslim worship procedures. that was most prevalent then….

Lessons from reading Sai Satcharitra

Sai Satcharitra is a holy book. It helps devotees learn how Baba lived his simple life before he attained Mahasamadhi in 1918. Reading about Baba’s life helps devotees to learn how Baba inspired and transformed the thoughts, mind and character of the people. According to Sai Satcharitra, “If you hear Baba’s leelas daily, you will…

WE live if the NATURE around us lives

In just a few centuries with science and technology, humanity has moved from feeling largely at the mercy of the Creation to a world-view where we thought our power was limitless. We have searched the Earth for all its resources and let our population and societies expand without limit; while dumping our wastes and polluting…

Sainath – Our Saviour

The soil of Shirdi was blessed The advent of Lord Sai it witnessed He incarnated to eradicate the miseries of the human race And shower on them His Divine Love and Grace. Sai answered prayers and fulfilled the desires of mankind Their Spiritual Upliftment was always in His mind. He had respect all faiths and…

New Promise for The New Year

With the advent of the New Year, most of us introspect about the lessons learnt from the past and the path to be traversed for becoming a better human being through constant physical, mental and spiritual growth. We analyse our shortcomings and visualise means to overcome them and contribute our best for the upliftment of…

Surrender to the Guru -The Stairway to Salvation

There is a complete identity between the Guru and truth. There is no truth apart from the Guru. With complete faith, devotion and surrender to the Guru path of truth and self-realisation. It is said that the divine Guru, by the application of the collyrium of knowledge, opens the eyes of one blinded by the…

Abode of Tranquility and Spirituality

The village of Shirdi was a remote unknown place By its destiny, fortune and Divine Grace. The advent of Mother Sai it witnessed By the touch of His Lotus Feet its soil was blessed. Sai inculcated in us the virtues of Shraddha and Saburi And to accept all situations without fear and fury. He taught…

“The Teachings of the Epic Mahabharata”

Before the Mahabharata War, India was at its pinnacle of opulence and glory. However, with the advent of circumstances leading to the Mahabharata War, there was an unprecedented decline in righteousness, morality, ethics and brotherhood of humanity which had such an adverse effect that humanity could never recovered from the disaster of the war. It…


Once Shirdi was indeed a remote location Where farming was the main vocation. Soon there came a surprise It became a holy paradise It witnessed the Advent of the Divine The name of Sai shall always shine. His ways and miracles created a curiosity How lamps without oil were lit by the Universal Luminosity. He…


SAI – THE ETERNAL CHARIOTEER Sai is the Inner Ruler of all Creation, He is always with us in any situation,  Removing the cobwebs of bondage, To encrypt His Name on Life’s Page. His ways are mysterious, His concern for mankind is serious, His incredible lessons are a boon, In taming our ego to free…