Compassionate Old Sage

This is an amazing experience received from “Rosemarie Mettel” on our facebook page. I had sent him/her a friend request so that he/she could create a user account on our website and post it himself/herself. However, after several months, I did not get response from the author and I finally decided to post it here….


Here’s a short story readers may enjoy. At the same time be ‘amazed’ at how those in higher levels do work together for the betterment of us here on earth. Back in 2012 while sitting in meditation I was given a most incredibly beautiful vision. My inner-eye immediately opened with great clarity in seeing empty…

God’s or Baba’s Compassion

I was invited to sit with a group of people in a friend’s home one night back in 1993 (satsang). The meeting was to hold a talk on Sathya Sai Baba, One of the main topics was to discuss in-depth that of his healing miracles. Sitting in the group was a woman with advanced lung…

Swami Answers A Cry for Help !

I will never forget the interview we had with Sathya Sai Baba along with an Indian family back in 2004 when in Prashanti Nilayam. Swami called my brother and me in for an interview along with an Indian family. The family consisted of husband and wife, their son who would have been in his twenties,…

My Son merged with Sai Baba

A mother pours her heart out how she found solace by understanding Baba’s messages in her life. It is a little longer than a usual article. A blessing to read this. The hit and run accident and on the spot passing over of my 18-year-old son, Ritik (Honey) on the year 2007 valentine’s day at…

Conversation with Shirdi Sai Baba

Sai Baba of Shirdi did not write any books. All that is available to us is records of a number of conversations between him and his devotees preserved in various biographical accounts. The following is a conversation which a devotee, Nana Govind Chandorkar, a Deputy Collector who was a traditionally well read orthodox person, had…

Shirdi Sai Baba Visits Dubai

Mr. Vasu Shroff, an industrialist is a devotee of Baba. In the year of 2002, he had gone to Shirdi and prayed to Baba asking him as to when He was coming to Dubai. When he opened his eyes, he saw a piece of paper on his lap. It said, “I will come on the…

“The Teachings of the Epic Mahabharata”

Before the Mahabharata War, India was at its pinnacle of opulence and glory. However, with the advent of circumstances leading to the Mahabharata War, there was an unprecedented decline in righteousness, morality, ethics and brotherhood of humanity which had such an adverse effect that humanity could never recovered from the disaster of the war. It…

Why are there trees on banks of Ganga River

One man reached Ramakrishna. He was going to Varanasi to take a holy dip — but he was interested in Ramakrishna, so before going, he went to touch his feet. And Ramakrishna said, “But what is the need to go to Varanasi, because the Ganges is coming here” — just behind his temple where they…

Ramakrishna Paramhansa Interest in food

It is said about Ramkrishna that he was much too interested in food; in fact obsessed. That is very unlikely. Even his wife, Sharada, used to feel very embarrassed; because he was such a great saint, only with one flaw – and the flaw was that he was much too interested in food. He was…

Occult Powers

ONCE upon a time a sadhu acquired great occult powers. He was vain about them. But he was a good man and had some austerities to his credit. One day the Lord, disguised as a holy man, came to him and said, “Revered sir, I have heard that you have great occult powers.” The sadhu…

The Tiger That Lurks Behind

GOD is like the wish-yielding tree of the celestial world (Kalpataru), which gives whatever one asks of it. So, one should be careful about what one asks from God because of accrued good karmas. Ramakrishna Paramhansa explains this through a beautiful story. Let us listen to the story: A certain traveller came to a large…

To Lose Is to Gain

There was once a swami who used to go and stay with his disciple. The disciple’s whole family loved and revered the swami because he was an example of discipline and a very spiritual man. He always got up before sunrise, bathed, and sat for hours in meditation. But one day, early in the morning…

Three Boons

Once it happened that a man was worshipping Shiva. He worshipped and worshipped, prayed and prayed for years. Then Shiva appeared and he said, ”You can ask for three blessings, three gifts; I will give you three boons!!” The man had been worshipping for so long that he really had forgotten why he had started….

Alongwith Sai

I want to share my experience to show that God is always with us to support and show us the way. Be patient and have faith in God, everything will be good over time. When we came to Canada , it was peak recession time. Almost everyone around was losing the jobs they had. And…

Vision of Lord Krishna

I have been pondering on what experience next should I unveil. It is then that suddenly I opened a hard cover writing pad. I had kept in a drawer in my office. I had purchased this in the Prashanti Nilayam ashram shopping center back in June 2010. Had kept it as a diary of the…

सदगुरु साईं तेरे चरणों को सब गुरु महानो का समझकर….

धन्य धन्य है गुरु पुर्णिमा का पर्व । सभी गुरु महानो को अभिनन्दन समर्पित करने का पर्व । करते हैं सभी महापुरुषों को वन्दना एवं आराधना । उनमे हम है करते साई की उपासना । सदगुरु साईं का प्यार अपरमपार । मिलता ज्ञान का अमृत, जो भक्त आते उसके द्वार । मांगने से पहले देता…

Gayathri Mantra

I am sure some people would like to know more about the ‘Gayathri Mantra’ in what it can and does able one to achieve through the grace of God, (IF), one adheres to it that is. But of course, there is much more to this mantra than just the reciting, as one must know the…

Sai Saburi Magazine : Vol 1

You can click on below picture to go to the web-page hosting magazine. The magazine can be read on the web-page or you could download by clicking the download link on the web-page.

Baba Fed Sumptuously, HOW?

Once, Mrs. Tarkhad from Mumbai was staying in a certain house in Shirdi. At noon, meals were ready and were being served, when a hungry dog turned up there and began to bark. Mrs. Tarkhad got up at once and threw a piece of bread which the dog gulped with great relish! In the afternoon,…

Sainath Does Not Leave His Devotees

I don’t remember the exact year; it happened 10 or 13 years ago. I was studying Engineering in Bengaluru. One night, Sri Sainath appeared in my dream. Perhaps it was more a trance than a dream. Even today I can vividly recall Sri Sainath as He was in that dream..six feet tall, in a bright…

Old Habits Die Hard

There was an old woman who was a seller of oil by profession. In her ninety years of human existence she did nothing except selling oil. When her life was to end, and she was about to die, all her relatives assembled around her. Looking at them the woman said, “You are all here, I…


I would like to share two wonderful experiences that occurred on separate occasions while in meditation. The first was on the 4th of June 2015 and the second was on the 7th June 2015. But first, and just briefly, I would like to mention “St. Michael“, better known as Archangel Michael. My first encounter with…

Hope, Fear & Knowledge

When a great Sufi mystic, Hassan, was dying, somebody asked, ‘Hassan, who was your Master?’ He said, ‘Now it is too late to ask. Time is short, I am dying.’ But the inquirer asked, ‘You can simply say the name. You are still alive, you are still breathing and talking. You can simply tell me…


There it is, that orange speck, In the distance, stretch your neck. Oh the people, so many, so vast, But yes, we are here at last. Oh I pray, will we ever meet? If only I can touch His Golden Feet. Swami, He knows everyone of us, No matter where we are, Whether we travel…

My Loving Lord

I believe there comes a time in everyone’s life, eventually; it prompts them in one way or another to talk about the experiences given them, whether they be spiritual or of a supernatural occurrence. The experiences I have encountered from a very young age, rarely have I ever uncovered them to others but only to…

The Prankster

As always, I document my experiences as soon as possible so as to not forget anything. This experience, or should I say “Leela”, occurred on Tuesday the 22nd of May 2018 at 5:40 pm. I went to my bedroom and closed the door so I could lay on my bed and talk to a friend…

Baba Instructed Me

Dear readers, wanted to share an experience of Baba’s blessing to me. This experience happened about 10 years ago when I was studying Engineering in Bangalore. As soon as my final year of the degree started, I started worrying about the final-year project & job placement. I deeply wished to get an opportunity to complete…

Thread becomes the bridge

There is a Sufi tale. Becoming angry with his prime minister, a king confined prime minister in a very high tower with no way to escape. If he tried to jump he would surely be killed. The king did not know it, but on his way to the tower the prime minister had whispered something…

Neem Karoli Baba keeps promise

Here is a short story of what Maharajji (Neem Karoli Baba) said about Mahasamadhi: “Maharajji went to Shirdi Sai Baba  temple in Madras. He sat there quietly. A woman with a baby sat crying before a picture of Shirdi Sai Baba, who had left his body many years before. Maharajji said, “You know what she…

Sai Baba in my Dreams

Crushing the fear For a long time in my life, I suffered from nightmares. These nightmares had a common theme. I used to see a dark figure which would show up in my ancestral home; either in the vacant land available or the unused cow-shed (cows were there as long as my grandmother was there…

Ma’s Grace

A true story of Ma’s grace. Hope you like it. In 1948, Ma’s birthday anniversary was being celebrated in a private garden in New Delhi. One morning in the midst of satsang (religious congregation) a weird looking man entered the garden. He was dressed in a queer fashion and his face bore the look of…

Saimaa came

It was on Tuesday 4th June 2019 around 12.30 pm, a miracle that I will always cherish in my life. I had visited Shirdi with my daughter, uncle and aunty on Monday. Despite the heavy pouring crowd of devotees, Sai took care of us like always and we got a splendid darshan. Each time I…


A precious necklace was seen flashing from the bottom of a lake. Many felt tempted to recover the valuable ornament and dived deep into the water for it, but found no necklace anywhere. Yet it was clearly visible to everyone from the edge of the lake. They were all puzzled. Eventually they realized that there…

Cry Only For Him

An experience with Anandamayi Ma. It is from from a book on Ma. For the source details, refer towards the end of the post. Hope you all like it. In the summer of 1948, a lady from South India had come to Kishenpur with a party from Hrishikesh. Seemingly absentminded and obviously distressed, she told…

Chance Encounter Changes His Life

It was one of the coldest nights in Northern India – January 31, 1947. The Calcutta bound Delhi Express was about to leave Delhi Junction railway station. I was rushing frantically from one end of the platform to the other in search of accommodation on the train. The porter led me to a vacant compartment…

Real Contentment

Read this story over the Internet and wanted to share with you all. There is a story which I like very much of two fakirs: The two fakirs, the old guru and the young disciple, were returning to their hut in Japan for the rainy season. For eight months of the year they traveled from…

A great King, Yayati

A great king, Yayati, was going to die. Death came…. It is an ancient story; in those days things were simple and the other world was not so far away. Death came and knocked on the door. Yayati opened the door and he said, ”What? I have lived for only a hundred years, and here…

Story of Every Man

Absolutely loved this story. Hope you like it. You can also comment below the story. Sai Ram. Osho: A parable: One day the Lord Vishnu was sitting in a deep cave within a far mountain meditating with his disciple. Upon the completion of the meditation, the disciple was so moved that he prostrated himself at…

The Prodigal Son

Sharing a story with you all dear friends. Hope you like it. Sai Ram. A story that Jesus told time and again is well worth understanding. A rich man had two sons. One boy turned into a vagabond. When he came of age he demanded his half share, which he took and left for the…

Baba’s miracle – my son!

By: Nidhi Mehra I am living this life just because of my Sai Baba. I had always only heard about Bba’s miracles, but today I can happily say that I have also seen Sai’s miracle and got HIS blessings – as my Son! 😊 I got married in Nov 2004, was living happily like all…


Once Shirdi was indeed a remote location Where farming was the main vocation. Soon there came a surprise It became a holy paradise It witnessed the Advent of the Divine The name of Sai shall always shine. His ways and miracles created a curiosity How lamps without oil were lit by the Universal Luminosity. He…


SAI – THE ETERNAL CHARIOTEER Sai is the Inner Ruler of all Creation, He is always with us in any situation,  Removing the cobwebs of bondage, To encrypt His Name on Life’s Page. His ways are mysterious, His concern for mankind is serious, His incredible lessons are a boon, In taming our ego to free…

Jayamal’s Devotion

Read this story on world wide web and sharing with you all. Hope you like it. Om Sai Ram. There was a king named Jayamal who worshipped Lord Krishna with all his heart. Even a small doubt from Mind creates barrier between the Lord and Devotee. Only the Heart can converse with the divine. The…

Sri Ramakrishna on Occult Powers – Siddhis

Sri Ramakrishna : “Radha had attained mahabhava. There was no desire behind the ecstatic love of the gopis. A true lover does not seek anything from God. He prays only for pure love. He doesn’t want any powers or miracles. “It is very troublesome to possess occult powers. Nangta taught me this by a story:…

Sadhu and the stones

Below story of sahdu and stones was told by “Ramana Maharshi”. Hope you like the story. Do let us know by either commenting below the story or emailing us on Sai Ram. A Great Mahatma was living as a sadhu under a tree in a forest. He always used to keep with him three…

Nana talks to Baba

The following is a conversation which a devotee, Nana Govind Chandorkar, a Deputy Collector who was a traditionally well read orthodox person, had with Shirdi Sai Baba. Nana: Baba, I am fed up with this samsra. It is only nissara (that is without content). Please help me cut the bonds which bind me to it….

God is Guest

A while back I came across a beautiful story told by Osho. However much controversial Osho was in the eyes of many a people; the fact is that much of his writing when taken from perspective of growth and opportunity to learn are very valuable. The writings are unique in the way they approach certain…

Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna

Naren (Swami Vivekananda) was searching for some one who could show him God. Naren went to many Meditators and Yogi’s like Devandra Nath Tagore but no one could satisfy his sharp intellect and rational mind. On the other part of same city Sri Ramakrishna was waiting eagerly for young Boys who were supposed to join…

Chuang Tzu’s writings

Chuang Tzu was a TAO mystic. His writings contain great wisdom. I am sure you will like reading some of his work. Love & Light to you !! The Useless Hui Tzu said to Chuang Tzu:“All you teaching is centered on what has no use.” Chuang Tzu replied:“If you have no appreciation for what has…

ये फुल पत्ता

ये फूल पत्ते साई नाम जप रहे हैं, पक्षी भी जप रहे हैं, साथ इनके सारा संसार साई नाम जप रहा है ।। साथ इनके सारा संसार साई नाम जप रहा है ।। ये फूल पत्ते साई नाम जप रहे हैं, पक्षी भी जप रहे हैं, साथ इनके सारा संसार साई नाम जप रहा है…

A Hero Named Jinx

Once upon a time, there was a very rich man who was well known for wholesomeness. He had a good friend who had the somewhat strange name, Jinx. They had been the best of friends ever since they were little children making mud-pies together. They had gone to the same schools and helped each other…

Merchant’s Caravan

Read a story and wanted to share its essence with everyone. Hope you like it. Sai Ram. Long long ago, there was a merchant and he was travelling with his caravan through a dense forest. Merchant had cautioned all his fellow travelers to not do anything without asking him first. That included going off the…

हे दुःख भन्जन, शील्दी संतन…

जय श्री साईं श्री साईं राम श्री साईं राम हे दुःख भन्जन, शील्दी संतन, सुन लो मेरी पुकार शांति स्वरूप विनती बारम्बार अपरम्पार है शक्ति शिर्डि वासी, तुम पर रीझे पंडरपुर हरि भक्ति भाव से ध्याऊं तोहे, कर दुखों से पार शांति स्वरूप विनती बारम्बार शांति स्वरूप विनती बारम्बार हे दुःख भन्जन, शील्दी संतन, सुन…

साईं नाम जप सुकून मिलता है, कोई जपके देखले ।

साईं नाम जप सुकून मिलता है, कोई जपके देखले । आ जाते हैं साईं कोई बुलाके देखले । साईं नाम जप सुकून मिलता है, कोई जपके देखले । जैसे सोचा मन में गुरु को, वैसा ही पाया । शिर्डी सुत वापस लौटे, बैझा ने बेटा पाया । रोटी वो माँ बैझा खिलाये जैसे उसे खिलके…

श्री सदगुरू साईनाथ कीर्ति माला।

दोहाश्रध्दा सबुरी सिकाई शिर्डी सूत, जानत सकल जहान | धन्य-धन्य सत्गुरु देवा, संकट हर साईं महान || १ श्री सदगुरू साईंनाथ कीर्ति गान । श्री गणनायक बुद्धि प्रदायक । साईं सत्चरित्र सूनाने कृपा करें देवा ।। ऊँ साईं श्री साईं जय जय साईं । ऊँ साईं श्री साईं जय जय साईं ।। श्री साईं साक्षात…

Quest For God

It’s a poem by Swami Vivekananda. Hope you all like reading it. Quest for happiness, knowledge about meaning of life, desire to be ultimate or witness entity called God is everyone’s desire. Isn’t it? O’ver hill and dale and mountain range, In temple, church, and mosque, In Vedas, Bible, Al Koran I had searched for…

Journey towards You : Pt 2

The part numbers indicate the order of writing and does not correlate with the chronological order of events and experiences. It was the second year of engineering, and in our college, we had to change our hostel rooms at the end of every year. Every room of a building had a unique address. After I…

Journey towards You : Pt 1

Writing about one’s own self is a pretty difficult task. Strange, isn’t it? We can write volumes about others yet always fall short of efforts to write about our own selves. The idea here is to just share some of my own personal experiences with you all. I would like this website a tool for…

साईं तेरा शिर्डी इस जग से न्यारा है ।

सांई तेरा शिर्डी इस जग से न्यारा है हम ना जाएंगे कहीं और यहीं अब रहना है ।  तेरे शिर्डि की हर बात निराली है दिन बर भक्तों की होली है रात पाल्की सवारी है बस प्रेम के दीपक से सब कुछ उजियारा है ।  हर लता पता भी सांई तेरा नाम ही जपती है मीठी नीम की…

Angry Chandkaushik

Anger is a very strong emotion. All of us have felt the pangs of anger in various degrees at some or other times. I remember reading somewhere that anger and fear are deeply related. We carry various types of fears too inside us. Wish we all can overcome them slowly. Today’s is Mahavir Jayanti. Bhagwan…

Swami Somadeva’s Aversion

Bhaiji, brother of Kakasaheb Dixit was staying at Nagpur. When he had gone to the Himalayas in 1906, he made an acquaintance with one Somadeva Swami of Haradwar at Uttar-Kashi down the Gangotri Valley. Both took down each other’s names in their diaries. Five years afterwards, Somadeva Swami came to Nagpur and was Bhaiji’s guest….

Maid Servant demonstrates meaning of Upanishad

Das Ganu once started to write a commentary on the Ishavasya Upanishad. He translated it verse by verse into the Marathi language. But he did not comprehend the gist of it and so was not satisfied with his performance. He, therefore, consulted some learned men regarding his doubts and difficulties and discussed with them at…


I had read this story in Hindi when i was a little child. My grandfather used to have several Hindi books in his room. Most of them were religious books on Jainism and few of them were story books too. Through these stories, some of which were real incidents from history, many valuable lessons of…

Churn of the Ocean

In Hindu Mythology there is a story in which Gods and Demons work together. to churn the Ocean in hope of getting precious Treasures. During Churning of oceans first Poison came out which threaten to contaminate every thing. Then Lord Shiva Drank that poison and saved them from the disaster. After the poison, Lakshmi (Goddess of…


Once a man entered a wood and saw a small animal on a tree. He came back and told another man that he had seen a creature of a beautiful red colour on a certain tree. The second man replied: ‘When I went into the wood, I also saw that animal. But why do you…


Osho : It happened in Upanishadic days that one young boy, Svetaketu, was sent by his father to a gurukul, to a family of an enlightened master, to learn. He learned everything that could be learned, he memorized all the Vedas and all the science available in those days. He became proficient in them, he…

Sai-Baba’s story by Osho

It happened: One of the most beautiful persons of this past century was Sai Baba of Shirdi. He had a friend and a follower. Sai Baba was a Mohammedan. Or no one knows whether he was a Mohammedan or a Hindu, but he lived in a mosque, so it was believed he was a Mohammedan….

Lao Tzu Quotes and Sayings

My words are easy to understand and easy to put into practice. Yet no one under heaven understands them or puts them into practice. Greatness has its source in the little. The low is the foundation of the high. Develop the strength of a man, but live as gently as a woman. If the people…

Meher Baba Quotes

What happened yesterday? Nothing. What will happen tomorrow? Nothing. All happens now . . . the eternal NOW from the beginningless beginning to the endless end.  Divine desperateness is the beginning of spiritual awakening because it gives rise to the aspiration for God-realisation.  True love is no game of the faint-hearted and the weak; it…

Parable of the two friends

Sri Ramakrishna: ” ‘As is a man’s feeling of love, so is his gain.’ Once two friends were going along the street, when they saw some people listening to a reading of the Bhagavata. ‘Come, friend’, said the one to the other. ‘Let us hear the sacred book.’ So saying he went in and sat down….

Suicide Thwarted

Mr. Gopal Narayan Ambadekar of Poona was a devotee of Baba. He served for ten years in the Abkari department, from where he had to retire. He tried to get some other job, but he did not succeed. He was overtaken by other calamities and his condition grew from bad to worse. He passed 7…

The Parable of Jatila and Madhusudhan

A story by Ramakrishna Paramhansa. In a village in India, there was once a little boy whose name was Jatila. Jatila’s mother was a widow and had no one to help her. She earned a little money by spinning yarn. She and Jatila always had just enough to eat, but they were very poor. Every…

My Play Is Done

My formative years of school were in Ramakrishna Mission in a beautiful setting of nature; in a valley called Along then and Aalo now. When you are growing up and if you read Vivekananda, it is as if the writing is meant just for you. I really loved reading his books and while he gave…

Sai Baba’s mercy on Bhimaji Patil

One Bhimaji Patil of Narayanagaon, Taluka Junnar, Dist. Poona, suffered in the year 1909 A.D. from a severe and chronic chest-disease which ultimately developed into Tuberculosis. He tried all sorts of pathos (remedies), but to no effect. Losing all hopes, he ultimately prayed to God – “Oh Lord Narayana, help me now”. It is a…

Sai Baba’s teachings

If you are wealthy, be humble. Plants bend when they bear fruit. Spend money in charity; be generous and munificent but not extravagant. Whatever creature comes to you, human or otherwise, treat it with consideration. See the divine in the human being. There is a wall of separation between oneself and othersand between you and…

Ours is a caravan of Hope

“Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn’t matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again , come , come.” Whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn’t matter. Ours is not a caravan of…

Two Friends

It is the era of the 1700s and in the princely state of “Rajputana” or “Rajasthan” called now, there were two friends. One was about six years older than the other. The older one was named “Ramakrishna” (रामकृष्ण) and the younger was called “Bhikana” (भीखण). Bhikana is a derivative of the word Bhikhu/Bhikshu. Bhikhu means…

The Cure and the Confirmation

How Baba proved to Mr. Dixit that He is same Shirdi Sai come again Mr. M S Dixit had the unique privilege of seeing Shirdi Sai Baba when he visited Shirdi in 1909 as a young lad and later Sri Sathya Sai Baba in 1961 when he was past sixty. Here’s how he realised that…

True Teacher

Once there was a learned monk who was a scholar and a good Orator. He was sitting on a special monk’s platform one day, delivering his sermon. Above him there was a beautifully embroidered silk chandarva. The monk was explaining the importance of non-acquisition. In the audience there was a man called Rupo. The monk…

Five Grains of Rice

During the time of Lord Mahavir, there was a rich merchant called Dhanna who lived in a big town. Dhanna once wondered what would happen to his wealth after he died. Would his sons and daughters-in-law look after it or spend it all? He thought of testing the wisdom and ability of his daughter-in-law. He…

Quest for that

Since ages, human beings have searched for methods and means to be permanently happy. Happiness is the most sought after state of mind. We toil hard, barter our time and talents to achieve happiness in our lives. In the search, we also wander everywhere and always are on the lookout for opportunities to increase our…

Faith secures passing grade

There lived Tendulkar family in Bandra, a suburb of Bombay. All the members of the family were devoted to Shirdi Sai Baba. The son of the family was studying hard day and night and wanted to appear for the medical examination. He consulted some astrologers. Examining his horoscope, they told him that the stars were…

Sai Baba: the guiding light

What is so unique about Baba that almost everyone is drawn to him the moment one knows about Baba and his life events. At the outset, it is the name itself which registers immediately in our minds. Baba or father is so much closer to the heart than any other name. Remembering Baba is like…

Inspiring sayings of Atisa

Came across these amazing sayings from Atisa. Atisa was a Buddhist monk originating from Bengal. These are simple sayings; however, each one of these is so deep and one can spend hours reflecting on the meaning of each one of these and come renewed in spirits and awakening. Sai Ram.  “The greatest achievement is selflessness.The…

While the rats gnaw

The condition of human beings in this world is described in a beautiful story of a man who is lost in a jungle. While he is trying to figure his way out of the jungle, he runs into a mad elephant. The elephant charges towards him. To save himself, the man keeps running. He finds…

Peace is the sole criterion

When asked about the characteristics of a jnani, Bhagavan said, “They are described in books, such as the Bhagavad Gita, but we must bear in mind that the jnani’s state is one which transcends the mind. It cannot be described by the mind. Only Silence can correctly describe this state and its characteristics. Silence is…

Ma Speaks

While in high school; I got a chance to read the famous book “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda. One of the chapters is about Yogananda meeting Anandamayi Ma. Since then I had several occasions where I read more about Ma, read books which contained her discourses and the simplicity and profoundness of what…

Mount Meru

It is snowing outside, temperatures are well below zero; one cannot imagine venturing out for a long period of time in outside weather. It is almost a week without snowfall & it has started to fall again, for some reason this snow fall looks nicer. The crimson-yellow tinged light of street lamps provides a soothing…